Category: Education reform

Pros And Cons of AI in Education

Artificial Intelligence–AI–has been around a long time, but caught everyone’s attention with the launch of generative AI, ChatGPT, and DALL-E. These made using AI easy enough for anyone and a viable tool for educators and students.

Or is it? Let’s see what the Ask a Tech Teacher team says:

Pros And Cons of AI in Education

Artificial intelligence (AI) is making major inroads into education. AI tutors, virtual assistants, and adaptive learning platforms are being adopted by schools, colleges, and universities around the world. In addition, many students are using AI to write coursework and essays, which has caused a lot of outrage.

Proponents argue AI can make education more personalized, engaging, and effective while reducing costs and workload for teachers. However, critics worry about the risks and limitations of relying too heavily on AI in education, as well as the problems caused by students using AI rather than penning work themselves.

Here we explore some of the key pros and cons of the increasing use of AI in education, from an education professional’s perspective.


Understanding Behavioral Learning Theory & Its Applications In The Classroom

The Ask a Tech Teacher team has written a great article on behavioral learning in the classroom. You’ll find out:

  • What it is
  • Keys to unpacking it
  • Why it matters in education
  • Examples in the classroom
  • Techniques for applying it
  • Challenges

Behavioral Learning Theory & Its Applications In Class

If you’re an educator or a parent, equipping yourself with knowledge of behavioral learning theory can transform your classroom dynamics and alter how you perceive the process of learning itself. If the entire concept is alien to you at the moment, hold tight as we talk you through the main aspects, and how they can hold relevance in modern teaching environments.

Introduction to Behavioral Learning Theory

Behavioral learning theory can sound complex, but it’s actually quite straightforward. It stipulates that all behaviors are learnt through interactions with the environment.

While biology may play a part, this theory focuses on acquired behavior and how your responses can change over time.

Conditioning is at the center of this theory, and it posits that humans learn by developing associations between their actions and the consequences they experience in real-time.


Left-brain or Right-brain Dominant? Explore the Ideal Subjects to Nurture your Strengths

Left-brain or Right-brain Dominant? Explore the Ideal Subjects to Nurture your Strengths

Choosing what to study after high school can be tough. A popular theory that aids some students in their decision-making process is the left-brain vs right-brain theory. It suggests that people have a dominant side of their brain, which influences their thinking and learning styles. While it’s important to note that this theory has been debated and may not be entirely accurate, it can be helpful to understand your strengths when choosing subjects to study. This article will explore the ideal subjects for individuals who are left-brain or right-brain dominant.

Subjects for People Who Are Left-brain Dominant

If you are left-brain dominant, you are likely to be more analytical, logical and detail-oriented. You excel in subjects that require problem-solving skills and have a strong understanding of numbers and patterns. Here are some ideal subjects for left-brain dominant individuals:


22 Ways to Add Rigor to Your Class

Let’s start by clearing up a misconception: Rigor isn’t unfriendly. Adding it to your class doesn’t mean you become boring, a techie, or overseer of a fun-free zone. In fact, done right, rigor fills your class with Wow, those epiphanies that bring a smile to student faces and a sense of well-being to their school day. Rigor provides positive experiences, is an emotional high, and engenders a pervasive sense of accomplishment students will carry for years–and use as a template for future events.

It is NOT:

  • lots of homework
  • lots of projects
  • lots of resources
  • lots of rules

When those are used to define rigor, the teacher is flailing–thinking quantity is quality. Rigor is not about adding a column of data or remembering the main characters in a Shakespeare novel. It’s seeing how that knowledge connects to life, to circumstances and to daily problems.

Simply put, adding rigor creates an environment where students are:

  • expected to learn at high levels
  • supported so they can learn at high levels
  • cheered on as they demonstrate learning at high levels

It helps students understand how to live life using brain power as the engine. Sure, it will ask them to collect evidence and draw conclusions that may find disagreement among their peers. It will insist they defend a position or adjust it to reflect new information. And it will often move them outside their comfort zone. It will also prepare them to solve the problems they will face in the future.


9 Mistakes Teachers Make Using Tech in the Classroom

It’s easy to confuse ‘using technology’ with digital tools. Your school passed iPads out to all classes. Some of your colleagues think having students read in this tablet format means they’re integrating technology into their curriculum. Kudos for a good start, but they need to use the tablets to differentiate for student learning styles, enrich learning materials, and turn students into life-long learners.

That’s harder than it sounds. Technology hasn’t been around long enough to beget standards that work for everyone (not withstanding ISTE’s herculean efforts), the set-in-stone of settled science. Truth, that will never happen. Technology tools populate like bacteria in a culture. Every time you turn around, there’s another favorite tool some teacher swears has turned her students into geniuses and her class into a model of efficiency. After fifteen years of teaching technology, chatting with colleagues, and experimenting, I can assure you there is no magic wand. What there is is a teacher not afraid to try new ways, test them out in a classroom environment, toss what doesn’t work and share the rest. Her/his success doesn’t come without lots of failure and mistakes, widgets that sounded good but were too complicated or non-intuitive for a 21st century classroom.

Which of these nine mistakes do you make? Then, see how to fix them:


21st Century Lesson Plan Updated

When I first wrote this article seven years ago, remote teaching was something done on snow days, teaching from home short-changed student learning, and parents were too busy to get involved in their child’s education. So much has changed. Here’s an update on this popular post to reflect what my grad students tell me they now face.

Education today is characterized by rapid technological advancements, globalization, and changing workforce demands. As a result, traditional teaching methods may not prepare students for the challenges and opportunities of the post-High School world.

Key characteristics of teaching today include:


High School and Personalized Learning

In this article, discover how high school education is shifting towards personalized learning. Gain insight into the strategies administrators are using to meet the changing needs of teen students.

The Future of High School Education: Navigating the Shift to Personalized Learning

High school – a time of excitement, curiosity, exploration and growth. The world is filled with endless possibilities! Students have never been so empowered to explore their true potential and find paths that work for them. However, there’s no doubt that the high school experience has changed drastically in recent years. Technology advances and education evolves at an unprecedented pace.

Educational trends have been changing towards personalized learning approaches. We’ve thus seen a fundamental shift in how high school students learn within the classroom setting. But what exactly does this mean for the future of our educations? In this blog post, we’ll dive into the evolution of high school teaching styles to get an idea of just how far these changes can go!

What is personalized learning and how it is different from traditional schooling

If you’re a student who can’t seem to thrive in a traditional classroom setting, then personalized learning may just be your ticket to success. Personalized learning is an approach that tailors education to each individual’s strengths and weaknesses. Unlike traditional schooling, which often relies on one-size-fits-all teaching methods, personalized learning takes into account diverse learning styles and interests. With the rise of technology, this future highschool is leaning towards this modern approach to education.

Another way in which learning has evolved

Another benefit of adaptative learning is that students don’t fear getting help anymore. Gone are the days when getting help was stigmatized. Today, students have a handy tool up their sleeves: the Edubirdie writing service. This content writing service is a lifesaver for students who need help with their research paper on nursing or different coursework about any other topic. With a reputation that precedes it, EduBirdie has become a go-to for students looking for high-quality writing assistance.

Whether you’re struggling to get started or just need a second pair of eyes to proofread your work, EduBirdie has got you covered. Thank goodness for technology! Read more for more benefits.

Benefits of personalizing education for high school student

Personalized education may be just what you need! Not sure? Here are five benefits.

  1. Boosted Confidence. Once you start receiving education tailored to your individual learning style, you’ll gain a newfound confidence in your academic abilities.
  2. Targeted Learning. Personalized education allows for teachers to focus specifically on each student’s areas of weakness. This can help them build up to their full potential.
  3. Improved Performance. Students tend to perform better on assessments and standardized tests. It’s a proven fact!
  4. Passion-Oriented Education. Got a passion? Personalized education can help you pursue it! Teachers can work with students to incorporate their interests into their coursework.
  5. Increased Engagement. Are you tired of being bored in class? Personalization can help with that! When students feel that their unique needs are being met, they are more likely to be engaged and stay focused in class.

Obstacles with such strategy in the classroom setting

Picture it – a high school of the future, where every student has a tailored learning experience to fit their unique needs and interests. Sounds nice, right?

Indeed. But nothing comes without challenges. In fact, technology can have both positives and negatives. It allows us to individualize instruction but it also requires significant investment and upkeep.

Then there’s the challenge of teacher preparation. We need to ensure educators are equipped to facilitate this type of learning environment. Plus, monitoring progress and assessment can become more complex as time goes by. That’s when students are all working on different tasks.

And last but not least, there’s the issue of equity. We need to ensure that personalized learning doesn’t perpetuate disparities.

How technology can support personalized learning in the classroom

With the increasing advancement in technology, personalized learning can be implemented quite easily in this so-called highschool of the future. AI-driven content is quickly becoming a reliable and robust alternative to traditional textbooks. Students can absorb information that caters to their personal learning styles. Furthermore, with VR technology, students can experience interactive and immersive learning experiences. VR adds a whole new dimension to learning that is both exciting and educational.

Plus, adaptive learning platforms and interactive whiteboards are also available to support this. Teachers can also use learning management systems to provide students with individualized assignments and assessments. Thus, while augmented reality can transport students to new and exciting learning environments. And let’s not forget about gamification! This is where game-based learning can motivate and engage students while providing them with immediate feedback.


The future of high school education is looking quite promising as we navigate the shift to personalized learning. No longer do we have to sit through lectures and activities that don’t appeal to our interests or learning styles. Instead, we’re able to take control of our education and tailor it to our unique needs. It’s like having a personal trainer for our brain! Plus, we can expect to see even more exciting changes in the years to come. So let’s buckle up, embrace the shift, and get ready for a high school experience that is truly personalized and fulfilling.

–image from Deposit Photo

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Jacqui Murray has been teaching K-18 technology for 30 years. She is the editor/author of over a hundred tech ed resources including a K-12 technology curriculum, K-8 keyboard curriculum, K-8 Digital Citizenship curriculum. She is an adjunct professor in tech ed, Master Teacher, webmaster for four blogs, an Amazon Vine Voice, CSTA presentation reviewer, freelance journalist on tech ed topics, contributor to NEA Today, and author of the tech thrillers, To Hunt a Sub and Twenty-four Days. You can find her resources at Structured Learning.

How to Teach Digital Citizenship in Kindergarten and 1st Grade

Understanding how to use the internet has become a cornerstone issue for students. No longer do they complete their research on projects solely in the library. Now, there is a varied landscape of resources available on the internet.

But with wealth of options comes responsibility to use resources properly. As soon as children begin to visit the online world, they need the knowledge to do that safely, securely, responsibly. There are several great programs available to guide students through this process (Common Sense’s Digital Passport, Carnegie CyberAcademyK-8 Digital Citizenship). I’ve collected a long list of resources here:

K-HS Digital Citizenship Resources

Today, we focus on Kindergarten–1st Grade.

Overview/Big Ideas

Students learn how to live in the digital world of internet websites, copy-righted images, and virtual friends who may be something different.

Essential Questions

  • What is a ‘digital citizen’?
  • How is being a citizen of the internet the same/different than my home town?
  • What are the implications of digital citizenship in today’s world?

Objectives and Steps

The objectives of this lesson are (use the lines in front of each item to check them off as completed):


What is a Growth Mindset?


It’s no secret many parents are frustrated with public schools. Are kids learning to think or just to pass tests? Are they spending classroom time wisely or just doing what’s always been done? Are we developing lifelong learners or kids who can’t wait to graduate?

If this describes you, you’re not alone in your concerns, but there’s hope. Consider a pedagogy that transcends rote memorization and the stock drills often found in today’s classrooms, expects critical thinking that teaches how to learn anything — not just school subjects. It’s called a “Growth Mindset”. In an Edsurge article by Rupa Gupta, former Redesign Administrator at Burnett Middle School in San Jose, Calif., she summarized the issue like this:

“In a recent national survey, 97 percent of teachers agreed that all students can and should have a growth mindset, and that same number said fostering a growth mindset is an important part of a teacher’s job. Yet only 50 percent said they have adequate solutions and strategies to shift mindset.”

So nearly everyone agrees this type of cerebral approach is important to real learning but few know how to make it happen.

What is Growth Mindset?

Let me back up a moment and define “Growth Mindset” more clearly. Most people believe basic human qualities like intelligence and talent are fixed traits: nature supersedes nurture. Kids are born with the characteristics that will mold their future. They are good at math or they aren’t. They can throw a football well or not. As kids grow, they figure out what they can and can’t do and adjust learning and life as needed to these truths. They come to believe that understanding and adapting to this process equates to success.

In a Growth Mindset, people believe ability can be developed through dedication and hard work. The cerebral and physical traits they were born with are just the starting point. Students are responsible for setting the patterns and strategies that allow them to succeed, by evaluating what they can do at any given point and making a plan for learning everything else.


IB Extended Essay Tips

Many students dread IB essays. But with the right approach, you can make the procedure exciting. Read how to draft an IB extended essay below

Writing Strategies for an Extended Essay in the International Baccalaureate Program

IB is a rigorous two-year project for personal and academic development. In the end, you receive a globally recognized IB diploma. But like all educational qualifications, it involves various intricate processes. One of them is the extended essay. It is mandatory for all students and is an independent piece of research that culminates into a 4,000-word paper. The paper provides an opportunity to investigate a topic of interest. However, more importantly, it contributes to the overall diploma grade. Let us show you some tips to help you draft a well-written piece.

Understanding the Requirements as a Key to Success in IB Extended Essay Writing

One of the mistakes university students make is ignoring the extended essay brief or paying little attention to the requirement. It is worse for distance learning since no one is around to offer guidance. But even the pros and cons of remote learning are intertwined. So, right off the bat, avoid this pitfall. The IB sets criteria and guidelines for the write-up. The requirements guide discussions to ensure the article meets the standards for successful research. Some of them include citation guidelines, research question formulation, word count, etc.
