
rap space song

Updated 5-26-24


  1. 17 Minutes of Terror--Curiosity landing on Mars
  2. Build a Satellite–a game
  3. DIY Sun Science
  4. Earthrise–the first time it’s recorded; a video
  5. Earth Song (video)
  6. GoSkyWatchP–Easily and quickly identify and locate stars, planets, constellations and more by simply pointing to the sky
  7. NASA Kids Club
  8. NASA Selfies
  9. Planet sizes–compared
  10. Samorost—problem solving
  11. Satellites—build a satellite
  12. The  Scale  of  the  universe
  13. The Size of Space
  14. Solar system
  15. Solar system–3D
  16. Space sounds
  17. Space Websites
  18. Space—write your name in galaxies
  19. SpaceX ISS Docking Simulator
  20. Stellarium–explore space from your browser
  21. See a Satellite Tonight–from your browser, in your area
  22. To Scale: The Solar System–a video


  1. Mars
  2. Mars is a Real Place–visit via VR


  1. Apollo 11: Countdown to Launch via Google Earth
  2. Apollo 11 VR
  3. Google Moon–see the Moon in 3D with your Google Earth app
  4. How we are going to the Moon–video
  5. If the Moon Were Only One Pixel…
  6. JFK Challenge — takes kids to the Apollo 11
  7. NASA’s Musical Playlist–88 million viewers of 188 songs
  8. Moon Phase Simulation Viewed from Earth and Space (interactive, elementary and middle school)—and associated Lesson Plan
  9. Observing the Moon in the Sky (interactive, elementary)
  10. Moonrise to Moonset (media gallery, elementary)