PDF Annotators

pdf annotationUpdated 6-4-24

A collection for iPads, PCs, tablets–all mixed up for now:

  1. Adobe Reader–works, might be quirky, pretty much on all computers (free)
  2. Annotation Studio
  3. Annotat8–lots of options; free
  4. Evernote–PC/Mac/iPad (free and fee)–markup using Skitch
  5. Kami–open PDF in Google Drive, then open with Kami (app)
  6. Lumin–open PDF in Google Drive, then open with Lumin (app)
  7. OneNote–like Evernote, part of the MS Office Suite (free under many circumstances)
  8. PDF Editor–for Chromebooks; app
  9. PDF Exchange Editor (free or fee)–comment, annotate, markup with text or drawing
  10. Preview (for Macs)–read and annotate pdfs
  11. Xodo–app for Chroembooks

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