Virtual Tours

anonymous people

Updated 5-26-24

On this page, you’ll find ‘real-time’ explorations of the world. That includes:

  • Data aggregators
  • Live Cams
  • Virtual tours
  • Webquests

Data Aggregators

This includes sites that collect data on topics and share it with viewers. It’s fun for students to see how their world works:

  1. Airline traffic
  2. Breathing Earth–shows birth/death rates and CO2 levels by country

Live Cams

  1. from National Geographic

Virtual Tours

  1. 360 Panorama of the world170419_little_planet_2_-_alford_linco
  2. British Houses of Parliament
  3. Google Expeditions
  4. Google World of Wonders
  5. Make your own with Google Earth and a screencast prograsm
  6. Oceans–via Google Streetview
  7. Pompeii—via Google Earth
  8. Sistine Chapel
  9. Virtual Capitol
  10. Virtual tour of America—via Biplane
  11. Virtual tours
  12. Virtual tour–undersea
  13. The White House (go to the White House on Google Earth, then zoom in until you’ve exploded through the walls to the interior. There, you’ll find a self-conducted virtual tour.


  1. All About Explorers
  2. Webquests–Zunai–templates, free

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