How Laser Cutter Brings New Inspiration to the Classroom

STEM education–Science, technology, engineering, and math–sounds intimidating, but is actually one of the most satisfying learning experiences students can participate in. Makeblock (an Ask a Tech Teacher sponsor) has some excellent resources for this field. Today, we’ll discuss:

How Laser Cutter Brings New Inspiration to the Classroom

STEM education is the need of this modern era, which is why teachers look for some interesting ways to teach these subjects and skills. They try to find new activities, games, toys, tools, or anything that can engage students and help them learn without struggling.

A laser cutter can spark creativity among students. They can turn their imagination into reality, which gives them a sense of joy and pride. They can cut and engrave different types of materials and make products and items they like.

Students, as well as teachers, enjoy using a school laser cutter. It is a perfect option for K-12 schools, colleges, universities, DIY enthusiasts, artists, professionals, etc. It is completely safe and easy to use in schools and has the capability to turn learning into fun.

In this article, we will explain the benefits of using a laser cutter for education. We explore what students can make with the machine to uncover their creativity and develop various skills. Moreover, we will also share an ideal laser cutter for schools that empowers students to take their skills to the next level safely and easily.

Hidden Benefits of a Laser Engraver

A school laser cutter is a must-have because it improves students’ knowledge & skills, brings new activities, and empowers them to do and create something they want. It offers tons of benefits not only for the students but also for the institution.

Let’s uncover some of them to understand the importance of a laser cutter for education.

STEM Knowledge

A laser cutter or engraver enhances STEM knowledge. It teaches students how to measure items, create designs on the computer, understand the coordinate system, etc. The most important thing is the science behind the state-of-the-art technology, which is CO2 laser, diode laser, etc. Then, students learn the reaction of the laser with different materials, laser head focus & positioning, safety measures, etc.

Students practice these things on their own so they grasp whatever they see and learn. It enhances their STEM knowledge through practical.


Students can get innovative and creative using a laser machine. They can design anything they like, such as puzzles, 3D objects, instruments, etc. They can create vector diagrams or use ready-made designs and cut different types of materials through the laser machine.

When students implement their knowledge and see the tangible outcomes, they feel more confident, and it sparks their interest in creating more items. They can do whatever they want to explore their creative skills.

Soft Skills

A laser machine is an incredible idea to develop intrapersonal and interpersonal skills in students. These skills are in high demand, and recruiters look for them while hiring new candidates.

Students develop critical thinking, self-confidence, self-discipline, active listening, teamwork, leadership, innovation, conflict management, problem-solving, etc., while using the laser machine alone and with classmates.


Schools need plaques and medals for their students. These can be made by using a school laser cutter. It is possible to make using wood, acrylic, metals, and different types of materials. Most importantly, the design of the plaque can be made unique and attractive. The best part is that schools will be able to save a lot of money.

Customized Items

Teachers can make customized gifts for their students to boost their confidence and reward them for good habits, scores, behavior, etc. The gift can be a customized pen/pencil, bag, water bottle, keychain, tag, etc.

DIY Activities

Laser cutting and engraving machines are loved by the DIY enthusiasts.

Why? Because it is something that allows them to make anything they like by cutting and engraving materials. Students can make dollhouses, Halloween items, Christmas decorations, puzzles, world maps, etc. These DIY activities let students learn while having fun.


By selling laser cut and engraved items, it is possible to make a handsome amount of money. Therefore, it can be quite helpful for fundraising. Students can make keychains, earrings, toys, picture frames, wall hangings, etc. These items are sold at a good price, so they are good for fundraising campaigns.

Special Events

A laser machine is a blessing in special events. For instance, students can celebrate St Patrick’s Day by making relevant items. Similarly, they can make special décor items and gifts for any special event or day at the school. Apart from the boring stuff, they can enjoy their creativity, art, and skills and make the special day more memorable.

Why Will the Laser Cutter Be the Most Popular Tool at Your School?

A laser cutter could be the most popular tool at your school, and students would love to use it.

Versatile Machine

A laser cutting and engraving machine allows students and teachers to make a wide range of objects and products. Firstly, teachers can adopt various laser-cutting projects to teach STEM and develop skills. They can also make various items to help students understand the topic and subjects easily, such as compass, sundial, abacus, gears, and world map puzzle.

Students can use the laser machine to make items for their projects. For instance, they can make a robot car by using plywood and then install the sensors and controllers. They can make parts or items. Moreover, they can use the engraver to engrave names, labels, or anything they like.

A school laser cutter is also a versatile machine because it can process different types of materials, such as wood, rubber, plywood, leather, fabric, acrylic, etc. So, it could be a good option to make a variety of products and use them for different purposes.


School laser cutters are beginner-friendly. Almost anyone can use them without any hassle. They are equipped with simple apps and software for the operation. Students can learn to design items and use the laser machine in a few hours.

Safe Option for Cutting/Engraving

You might be thinking how safe a laser cutter/engraver is. The school laser machines are very safe for students. Firstly, the machine is completely enclosed; there is no way the laser beams can get out of the machine. Then, there are air purifiers that clean the exhaust air and remove the harmful particles. The machines also have various safety features, such as automatic stop, fire protection, and light-filtering lid.

Students only need to upload the design to the software and place the material on the laser bed. Then, the machine does everything on its own. There is no human involvement, and the design will be ready on its own. In short, students can use the laser machine under the supervision of teachers, and there is nothing harmful or unsafe.

Turn Things into Reality

A laser cutter is a powerful machine that can turn your imagination into reality. You can think of any item, and it is possible to make that item or its variant using laser-compatible materials. That is the reason it is one of the favorite tools of DIY enthusiasts.

Students can get the ready-made design of the items they like. They can also learn graphics design and create laser-cut files on their own. It helps them to uncover their creativity and make anything they like in minimal time.

The Best Laser Cutter for Schools—xTool P2

xTool P2 is an ideal laser cutter for schools because it is safe, powerful, versatile, and easy to use. It is a desktop CO2 laser cutting and engraving machine suitable for classrooms.

xTool has specifically designed the Educational Bundle for schools. It includes the laser machine, smoke purifier, riser base, and automatic conveyor feeder. These are the must-have items to make the laser machine safer and more versatile. Furthermore, there are free gifts worth $960, which include different types of materials to get started and 28 idea courses.

The most important thing about the laser is its safety features. The machine is completely covered, so the laser beams and the smoke cannot escape the working area. Plus, there is a laser filtering lid from where users can see the progress. The lid also has an automatic lock, which means students can’t open it while the machine is running.

The machine has a fire safety sensor to alarm and turn off the machine in case of any spark. For students, you can also install a fire safety kit to extinguish the fire automatically. It also has an emergency button, which can be used to stop the machine in the middle. The notable safety feature of the machine is its warning system, which warns users in case of any issue with the machine.

The exhaust air of the laser machines is harmful. But this laser machine is compatible with the xTool Smoke Purifier. It cleans the exhaust air by removing harmful particles and smells. So, the machine can be used inside the classroom without any worries.

The laser machine has an incredible optical power of 55W, which is more than enough to cut common materials like a piece of cake. It can cut up to 18mm black walnut and 20mm clear acrylic in only one go. Its engraving speed reaches 600mm/s, which saves a lot of time.

With this machine, you can process solid wood, plywood, engineered wood, acrylic, leather, fabric, rubber, metal, etc. It can also engrave curved surfaces by making a 3D model, so it is possible to engrave almost anything. If you connect the RA2 Pro to the machine, you can engrave 90% of the cylindrical and spherical objects without any hassle.

The working area of the machine is 26 x 14 inches. However, if you connect the automatic conveyor feeder, it is possible to engrave materials up to 118 inches long. The feeder automatically feeds the material from one end. Moreover, the height of the object can be up to 8.4 inches by using the Riser Base. All these features make the laser machine more versatile.

The machine is quite easy to use. Beginners can learn and operate it without any hassle. The software is available for free, and there are tons of tutorials and detailed guides to master it as quickly as possible. It is an incredible laser cutting and engraving machine for schools.

–Image credit MakeBlock

–Image credit Deposit Photo

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Jacqui Murray has been teaching K-18 technology for 30 years. She is the editor/author of over a hundred tech ed resources including a K-12 technology curriculum, K-8 keyboard curriculum, K-8 Digital Citizenship curriculum. She is an adjunct professor in tech ed, Master Teacher, webmaster for four blogs, CSTA presentation reviewer, freelance journalist on tech ed topics, contributor to NEA Today, and author of the tech thrillers, To Hunt a Sub and Twenty-four Days. You can find her resources at Structured Learning.

Author: Jacqui
Jacqui Murray has been teaching K-18 technology for 30 years. She is the editor/author of over a hundred tech ed resources including a K-12 technology curriculum, K-8 keyboard curriculum, K-8 Digital Citizenship curriculum. She is an adjunct professor in tech ed, Master Teacher, an Amazon Vine Voice, freelance journalist on tech ed topics, contributor to NEA Today, and author of the tech thrillers, To Hunt a Sub and Twenty-four Days. You can find her resources at Structured Learning.