8 Time Management Tips For Dissertation Writing

It’s that time of hear when a lot of college students are writing dissertations as part of academic requirements. This is a daunting task but there are rules–suggestions–that will make it easier. The Ask a Tech Teacher team has a short list:

8 Time Management Tips For Dissertation Writing

Embarking on the journey of writing a dissertation is a significant academic undertaking. Here are some effective time management tips.


Writing your dissertation as a student can be challenging, requiring strong time management ability.

Thus, the research and writing process for a dissertation may be overwhelming and time-consuming. Completing one research paper might take you two or more months.

Therefore, dissertation writing requires substantial research. So, to showcase the art of effective time management, you need to strike the right balance between writing and research.

To prevent anxiety and stress at the last minute, it is important for you to manage your time efficiently. Proper management and planning can also make the process manageable and rewarding.

In this article, we will emphasize effective time management tips for your dissertation.

What Is The Importance Of Time Management For Students?

Whether you have undertaken an undergraduate or postgraduate degree, you need to submit your dissertation paper in the last year.

Therefore, attacking any academic program is demanding and intense. It involves completing coursework, extensive research, and writing projects that require considerable effort and time.

Thus, effective time management will assist you in completing all these tasks while regulating a good balance between school, family, work, and personal commitment. It helps you avoid stress and burnout while working on your research paper.

Time Management Tips For Dissertation Writing

It is common to burn out if you must fit into your daily schedule. Therefore, here are some effective time management tips that will help you complete your dissertation on time.

1. Know The Milestone

The first step towards effective time management is identifying the key factors in your course and anticipating when to accomplish them.

Similarly, you must understand when your assignment is due, when to start writing, when to sit for research, and when to defend your dissertation paper.

To accomplish this, you need to create a roadmap. The planner will help you remain on track and identify the upcoming due dates. In addition, the planner will help you create a plan for how and when you will accomplish these milestones, thereby ensuring that you will stay on track and meet deadlines.

However, the milestone planner will save you time, help you be more organized and relieve pressure.

2. Create Weekly Schedule

It is very important to plan your day. This helps you manage your day and remain on track with your work.

Thus, as you enter a new week, spare some time to write down your weekly schedule work plan, set priorities and list all your coursework.

Therefore, you can start by allocating specific time for research, conducting primary research, attending class, attending extra-curricular activities and writing your dissertation.

You also need spare time slots for essential activities, such as social interaction, exercise, hobbies, and rest. Moreover, your weekly schedule will help you stay focused and ensure you have enough time to complete your dissertation on time.

3. Utilize Reminders And Calendars

In the present technological age, many online applications are available to help you manage your time effectively. These usually comprise task management apps, calendars and reminders that allow you to stay focused.

Furthermore, if you use an online application, you can set deadlines, schedule your time and set reminders to complete your research paper.

Consequently, they help you stay focused and avoid procrastinating, improving productivity.

4. Set Realistic Goal

Setting realistic goals and outlining them into a list is another effective tip to stay focused and organized.

Therefore, every morning before you start your day, write down the tasks you aim to complete and prioritize them based on urgency. Furthermore, cross off the items from the list so you get everything important.

On the other hand, there might be times when you are engaged in your part-time job, and you need more time to complete your coursework. In that situation, PaperHelp will help you resolve all your assignment-related queries and complete your dissertation on time.

Eventually, this will offer you a sense of motivation and accomplishment to complete all the tasks you have for the day.

5. Break The Task Into Smaller Chunks

Breaking big ideas into smaller chunks is another strategy to assist in staying on top of the workload.

For example, instead of working on the entire dissertation at once, you can dedicate a few more hours a week to completing one chapter of your dissertation.

Thus, this method will help you avoid feeling overwhelmed and reduce your stress level. It will also assist you in making steady progress towards the milestone and keep you motivated throughout.

Ensure you complete all your small tasks, eventually bringing down the bigger ones without feeling pressured.

6. Prioritize Task

One of the biggest barriers affecting your time schedule is trying to do too much at a particular time. Therefore, you must determine which task you need to tackle first.

Generally, urgent tasks should be given first priority. Next, you can align them with the long-term goal. This will help you prioritize tasks, focus on what needs to be done, and avoid wasting time on work that is not required.

Install applications like Todoist and Asana for your convenience. These applications will help you make the most of your time.

7. Schedule Time For Relaxation And Rest

One of the most important things we usually skip when we are overburdened with work is to take some time for ourselves.

Thus, taking breaks is an essential part of effective time management. People often who work long hours tend to get tired easily.

However, to resolve your problem, you can create a daily schedule and set a time to relax and recharge. You can take a walk outside, practice meditation, listen to music, or make coffee or tea.

Moreover, make sure to do something that helps you feel refreshed.

Hence, taking short breaks to relax and rest will rejuvenate you and help you increase your productivity level.

8. Eliminate Distractions

Distractions can be another barrier to effective time management. From text messages to social media notifications, there are multiple things that can cause you distraction.

Thus, the best way to overcome the distractions is to reduce them. Once you start your day following the schedule, switch off your phone even if you are working for two hours.

On the other hand, when you wish to start feeling to scroll your social media feed, remind yourself that you are focused and will attend them later after obtaining your set goal.

You can also leave your phone in another room. This will help you reduce the temptation to check the notification on the screen.

Hence, we suggest you install a browser extension that will block every notification during the designated time, thereby helping you stay focused.

Common Time Management Tool

Effective time management is essential for the successful completion of your dissertation. Thus, you should consider using different time management tools and techniques to help you stay organized, on track, and focused.

Similarly, with the help of the tool, you can streamline your workflow productivity and reduce the stress associated with managing a complex dissertation.

Moreover, you need to use a few time management tools to resolve the situation. Here is a list of some commonly used ones:

  • Calendar Apps: There are various calendar apps, such as Google Calendar and Apple Calendar. It will help you track and schedule appointments, events and deadlines. You can set reminders to keep yourself on track.
  • Task Management Apps: Task management apps like Asana or Todoist allow you to create a list, organize a list as per category and set deadlines. They are effective for weekly and daily planning.
  • Pomodoro Technique: This time, the management method involves breaking your work into small intervals followed by short breaks. Apps like Tomato Timer or Pomodone will help you incorporate the Pomodoro technique.
  • Project Management Software: Tools like Microsoft Projects are suitable for handling large projects like dissertations. It will enable you to create detailed project plans, monitor progress, and allocate resources.
  • Goal-setting Apps: Applications such as Strides or Habitica will help you set and track your academic progress.
  • Reference Management Software: If your dissertation includes extensive research, reference management software like EndNote will help you stay organized and cite your resources.
  • Note-Taking Apps: Apps like OneNote or Evernote are excellent applications for keeping track of research notes, references, and ideas.
  • Time Tracking tools: Time tracking tools like Clockufy allow us to monitor how you spend time. This will help you identify areas where you can increase productivity.
  • Mind Mapping Software: Mind mapping tools like XMimd help you visualize complex concepts, making it easier to outline your assignment structure.

So, select a time management tool that aligns with your specific needs and personal preferences to ensure your dissertation project’s successful completion.

Final Thoughts

Thus, one of the biggest challenges regarding time management is using delay strategies. Stay calm; follow the tips mentioned above to manage your time effectively.

Creating a well-framed schedule, establishing routines and seeking support will help you manage your time and produce high-quality paper.

Hence, remember that the dissertation paper is not just about completing a research paper. It is an opportunity for academic and personal growth.

Effective time will help you make the most of the transformative journey.

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“The content presented in this blog are the result of creative imagination and not intended for use, reproduction, or incorporation into any artificial intelligence training or machine learning systems without prior written consent from the author.”

Jacqui Murray has been teaching K-18 technology for 30 years. She is the editor/author of over a hundred tech ed resources including a K-12 technology curriculum, K-8 keyboard curriculum, K-8 Digital Citizenship curriculum. She is an adjunct professor in tech ed, Master Teacher, webmaster for four blogs, CSTA presentation reviewer, freelance journalist on tech ed topics, contributor to NEA Today, and author of the tech thrillers, To Hunt a Sub and Twenty-four Days. You can find her resources at Structured Learning.

Author: Jacqui
Jacqui Murray has been teaching K-18 technology for 30 years. She is the editor/author of over a hundred tech ed resources including a K-12 technology curriculum, K-8 keyboard curriculum, K-8 Digital Citizenship curriculum. She is an adjunct professor in tech ed, Master Teacher, an Amazon Vine Voice, freelance journalist on tech ed topics, contributor to NEA Today, and author of the tech thrillers, To Hunt a Sub and Twenty-four Days. You can find her resources at Structured Learning.