24 Online Resources About Economics

Here are popular online resources to teach about Economics (click for updates to this list)

  1. 12 Days of Christmas–find the cost and price change of the 12 gifts
  2. 60-seconds Adventures in Economics–videos from Open University
  3. Banzai–financial literacy (free) online program
  4. Basic Economic Terms
  5. Basic Economics Jumbled
  6. BizKids–games to teach business and finance
  7. Business and Profit Millionaire Game
  8. Economic Concepts
  9. Economic Systems
  10. Economic Terms
  11. Economic Terms Mini-Quiz
  12. Economics Flashcards
  13. EverFi–course in financial literacy for high schoolers
  14. Gift Hunt--find the cost of the 12 gifts and the price change from the prior year
  15. How the Stock Market Works–a game for high schoolers
  16. Lemonade Stand
  17. Living Wage–what’s it cost to survive–by state, cities, counties
  18. NASDAQ
  19. National Economics Challenge
  20. New York Stock Exchange
  21. Stock Market Game
  22. US Debt Clock
  23. US Economy
  24. Value of Money–TED lesson on this topic; video (of course)

For more on Economics, click here. (more…)

How the Internet Neighborhood is Like Any Other Community

Education has changed. Teachers no longer lecture from a dais with student learning contained within the schoolhouse walls. Thanks to the pervasiveness of easy-to-use and free web-based tools, most teachers have one or more computers in the classroom with internet access. Because of this, educators have come to expect students to participate actively in the learning process and transfer their knowledge from the classroom to life. For example, when preparing a project, a fifth grader will do the research using the internet, collaborate with classmates on Google, write the report with a web-based tool, share it using digital tools, and then use those learned skills in other classes.

Students have become digital citizens. The question is: How do they thrive in the digital world? (more…)

Career Guidance in Cypriot Schools: How Students are Prepared for a Successful Future

Career Guidance in Cypriot Schools: How Students are Prepared for a Successful Future

School education in Cyprus is recognized by the world community of educators as the most progressive and fundamental. A rich and interesting educational program has been created for students, the main goal of which is to make learning a positive process in the life of every child.

Children study for twelve years, which is enough time to gradually acquire useful skills and knowledge. The educational system provides quality education for children aged 5 to 17-18 years. If a family is just planning to move to Cyprus, it is worth knowing that foreign children have the same rights to educational services as local children.

The professional orientation of students is exactly the direction in which Cypriots have achieved significant success. Educational institutions are based on the British model of education. This means that the greatest attention is paid to the development of each child’s individual personality. State or elite school – educational institutions of all forms of teaching are strictly controlled by the Ministry of Education of Cyprus. (more…)

Teacher-Authors: What’s Happening on my Writer’s Blog

A lot of teacher-authors read my WordDreams blog. In this monthly column, I share the most popular post from the past month on my teacher education blog, Ask a Tech Teacher. 

Tech Tips for Writers is an occasional post on overcoming Tech Dread. I’ll cover issues that friends, both real-time and virtual, have shared. Feel free to post a comment about a question you have. I’ll cover it in a future Tip.

Like everyone else on the planet, I understand I must switch to ‘airplane mode’ when flying. If you don’t know what airplane mode is (except to turn it on during flight), here’s a quick run-down:

  • It stops your phone from sending or receiving text messages or voice calls.
  • It disconnects your phone from a WiFi network. When it is on, your phone will stop scanning for WiFi networks or even attempting to join them.
  • It disables Bluetooth on your smartphone.
  • It may also disable your smartphone’s GPS functions.

As writers, there are surprisingly good reasons to invoke airplane mode even if you’re not flying:

  • when your kids are using your phone, they can’t send messages or use the internet
  • you need to save battery power. As writers, that could be when you’re reading a downloaded Kindle book or working on your WIP offline (it’ll sync when you turn the internet back on)
  • as a ‘do not disturb’ feature:  if you are focused on writing or researching and want to avoid intrusions for a set period of time. The intrusions will return as soon as you turn it off.
  • to avoid roaming charges if you travel internationally for book conferences or interviews
  • to avoid being tracked: In airplane mode, location services are off and no one knows where you are.
  • to sleep without interruptions. Rest assured, when you wake up and remove airplane mode, everything you missed will tumble onto your phone

How often do you use airplane mode?

Copyright ©2024 worddreams.wordpress.com – All rights reserved.

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“The content presented in this blog are the result of creative imagination and not intended for use, reproduction, or incorporation into any artificial intelligence training or machine learning systems without prior written consent from the author.”

Jacqui Murray is the author of the popular Man vs. Nature saga, the Rowe-Delamagente thrillers, and the acclaimed Building a Midshipman, the story of her daughter’s journey from high school to United States Naval Academy. She is also the author/editor of over a hundred books on integrating tech into education, adjunct professor of technology in education, blog webmaster, an Amazon Vine Voice, and a freelance journalist on tech ed topics. Look for her next prehistoric fiction, Endangered Species, Winter 2024

Copyright ©2023 askatechteacher.com – All rights reserved.

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100+ Online Resources About History

Here are popular online resources to teach about History (click here for updates to the list):

  1. Critical Past–original videos from mid-1800’s and forward of amazing events in world history.
  2. DocsTeach
  3. Hello History–chat with historic figures from the past
  4. History Central
  5. History for Kids--written by a ‘kid’ in well-chosen words his peers will understand
  6. HistoryPin–connect your community with local history
  7. Media History Project
  8. Pass the Past–educational game to help students prepare for Virginia’s Standard’s of Learning (SOL) exams with a focus on World, United States and Virginia history, civics, and geography. (app)
  9. Timelapse–watch the world change over time


Building Community in Virtual High Schools

In response to the challenges of COVID, a dissatisfaction with local in-person schools, and increasingly diverse needs of the high school student population, enrollment in US virtual schools is now over 300,000 with about 20% of students taking at least one online course. There are pros and cons of attending class via computer. You can learn on your own schedule, but what if you have connectivity issues? You have more independence in your learning, but what if the teacher isn’t inspirational? 

One big issue among many is the importance of building community in virtual schools. The Ask a Tech Teacher team dug into this:

Building Community in Virtual High Schools

As educators, we often hear concerns about the lack of socialization in online learning environments. However, the reality of virtual high schools is far from the isolated, impersonal experience many imagine. In fact, with intentional effort and innovative approaches, an online high school can foster vibrant, supportive communities that rival those of traditional brick-and-mortar institutions.

The Importance of Community in Education

A sense of belonging enhances student engagement, improves academic performance, and supports mental health. In virtual settings, where students might otherwise feel disconnected, building community becomes even more critical.

Strategies for fostering student connection include: (more…)

Top Tips And Tricks To Make Your Assignment Look Professional

How do assignments made by online professionals get good scores? Here are tips to make your assignment look professional, from the Ask a Tech Teacher international team:

Top Tips And Tricks To Make Your Assignment Look Professional


One of the most important aspects of an assignment is how you present your report. Similarly, when it comes to the art of assignment creation, it is not just about the content. It is also about how you present it to your professor.

A meticulously designed has the best assignment front page design, an executive summary, a table of contents, and its overall design and presentation.

Moreover, creating the best cover page design for assignments sets the tone for what’s to come next. This signals the readers that they are about to engage with something that will be interesting to read.

This article will emphasize the tips and tricks that will make your assignment look professional.

Are you stressed due to low academic scores and want to improve your grades?

Well, worry no more! Let these tips help you. (more…)

The Case for Why Handwriting is Still an Essential Skill for Students

An article on NPR caught my eye. First, because it was on a topic many consider settled science–haven’t we moved on from handwriting to keyboarding? Audio even? If you poll schools, you’ll find that many continue to teach handwriting, partly because without it, how can adults sign checks and contracts? But also, because there are undeniable cognitive benefits students experience through the process of learning to write:
  1. Enhanced memory and learning: Handwriting improves retention of information compared to typing.
  2. Improved hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills, essential for cognitive development .
  3. Enhanced creativity and critical thinking: The slower pace of handwriting allows for more time to think and formulate ideas, fostering creativity and critical thinking.
  4. Better reading fluency and comprehension skill
  5. Improved spelling, grammar, and composition, which are crucial for academic success and test performance.
Those are five reasons to get you thinking maybe there is still a place for handwriting in education. Now for NPR’s excellent article:
Handwriting’s cognitive benefits, including enhanced memory and learning, are under scrutiny as digital tools replace pen and paper in schools and workplaces. While typing offers efficiency, research suggests that the tactile process of handwriting engages the brain more deeply, fostering better comprehension and retention.

Read the Full Story: National Public Radio (5/11) (more…)