Category: Teaching
18 Things Teachers Do Before 8am
This is inspired by Jennifer Cohen over at Forbes who wrote a wonderful article on “5 Things Super Successful People Do Before 8am” (few of which I do, though I can claim #5). She includes chores like exercise, eat a healthy breakfast, map out the day–all great ideas, but not pithy enough for the average teacher I know.
Here’s my list of what the average teacher accomplishes before her first class of children crosses the threshold of her domain. These are gathered from chatting with friends and efriends on how they start their days:
- Research the answers to sixteen ‘why’ questions students asked during yesterday’s classes.
- Figure out how to run that dang iPad app students want to use.
- Wash Superman (or woman) cape.
- Close eyes for three seconds to invoke the memory of Emma [replace ‘Emma’ with the name of the Poster Child for why you’re a teacher].
- Accomplish the equivalent of stuffing twenty people in a phone booth–which means find son/daughter’s lost iPad which must be brought to school every day, get kids off to school with packed lunches and completed homework, arrange household repairs, sort dog and husband/wife, talk significant other down from an emotional cliff, and figure out how to make coffee by pouring hot water through yesterday’s grounds (oops–forgot to buy coffee).
- Eat breakfast–real food, not leftovers or peanut butter from sandwiches.
- Move what wasn’t accomplished yesterday to today’s To Do list, which is most everything.
- Promise that today, unlike yesterday and the day before, and the day before that, you won’t say D*** five times before the first class arrives. Set a goal of only four times.
- Do emergency morning yard duty instead of the project set up you’d planned to do this morning—and the reason you came in early.
- While doing emergency morning yard duty, imitate someone being patient rather than someone chewing on their last nerve.
- Keep an open mind to all nature of miracles, no matter the shape or size.
- Answer parent email and voicemail from the prior day because you promised the Principal you would–again.
- Paste on your Reasonable face when a parent drops in for an impromptu conference, shoehorned in after s/he dropped off her/his child and before the 8am start-of-day. Stow the one that says, ‘Leave me alone’.
- Take a nap, especially if you’ve been up most of the night grading papers or preparing lesson plans.
- Smile at the parent who always talks with that irritating tone reserved for women they consider delicate.
- Solve the education problems of the world.
- As Paul Harvey said in Broadcast, “In times like these, it is good to remember that there have always been times like these”.
- Remember that–as Edwin Louis Cole once said, you don’t drown by falling in the water; you drown by staying there.
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What You Might Have Missed in March–What’s up in April
Here are the most-read posts for the month of March:
- 11 Online Resources About Puzzles
- Software vs. Online Tools
- 19 Tech Problems Every Student Can Fix
- 25 Sites to Add Rigor and Authenticity to Word Study
- How to Compare and Contrast Authentically
- 6 Ways to Make Classroom Typing Fun
- AI and ChatGPT in Education
- Use the SAMR Model to Energize Class Tech
- Beginning Graphs in MS Excel
- Invention Convention 2023 is coming
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8+ Steps To A Speedier Computer

This week, I’ll post updated suggestions to get your computers and technology ready for the blitz of projects you’ll swear to accomplish in New Year resolutions. Here’s what you’ll get (links won’t be active until the post goes live):
- 8+ Ways to Speed Up Your Computer — December 13th
- 9 Ways to Update Your Online Presence — December 14th
- Backup and Image your computer — December 15th
Regular readers of Ask a Tech Teacher know these are updated each December. New readers: Consider these body armor in the tech battle so you can jubilantly overcome rather than dramatically succumb.

Today: 8 Ways to Speed up Your Computer
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Exploring the Need for Education Consultants in a Digital World
Education has become a lot more complicated the last five years. Part of that is the impact of COVID on in-person and remote teaching. Another large part is the transparency now requested/required by parents as to what is going on in the classroom. The importance of education consultants, mentors, and teacher coaches has never been more pressing. Here’s a good article from the Ask a Tech Teacher crew on what that means and how you as an educator can confront the issues:
Exploring the Need for Education Consultants in a Digital World
There is no denying that we live in a vastly different world than we did just three years ago. Just as an increasing number of businesses have moved their operations totally online, so too have many students moved to online programs for their educational needs. All grade levels are now seeing an increase in the number of students who study online since the recent pandemic forced them to do so. Even though classrooms are once again open to student enrolment, many parents have opted to keep their children at home where they feel safer for a number of reasons.
A Myriad of Reasons for Online Education
Sadly, it isn’t only fear of contagions that has prompted this but also other factors such as the rising level of violence and bullying in schools, the fear of school shootings and various factors within family life. Parents who often struggled to get kids to and from school because of work hours, can now find ways to adjust everyone’s schedule so that no one needs to be late or miss days due to conflicts that occur far too often. Some parents simply like to monitor what their kids are learning and how they are being taught.
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What You Might Have Missed in October–What’s up in November
Here are the most-read posts for the month of October, including:
- Freebie for history teachers
- Digital Citizenship Week
- 100+ Digcit websites
- Assistive technology tools for writing
- Dyslexia Awareness Month
- Bully Prevention Month
- Exercises to Strengthen Fingers for Keyboarding
- Teacher Tech Training is Critical
- HS Curricula and Career Education
- Websites to Explain Elections
Here’s a preview of what’s coming up in November:
- Choosing the right Computer Science specialization
- Free Hour of Code Lesson Plans
- National STEM/STEAM Day
- Tech Tips
- Apps for Curious Students
- Thanksgiving Break!

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Teacher Tech Training is Critical
Back when I started teaching tech, teachers loved saying that kids knew more than they did, even defer to students to teach. That doesn’t work anymore which means even the most tech-phobic of teachers must step up. Here’s a good article from Yahoo Finance on that:
Why Teaching Tech to Teachers Is More Important Than Ever
“With technology, it’s not all or nothing,” says Williams. “It’s about how to make learning meaningful. The question to ask is, where does it make …
More on Ask a Tech Teacher about teacher tech training
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Robot Teachers vs Human Teachers:
Simona Johnes, editor-in-chief of Science and Literacy, an educational blog for teachers and parents, did some research into a topic that is of growing concern to my fellow teachers: Robots in the classrom. Here’s an interesting article comparing the pros and cons of robots vs. humans:
I recently came across an article published by Ohio State University that mentioned how several industries are using robots to get their jobs done, and the use of robotics is only expected to grow. This led me to thinking about the industry that I am currently employed in, education, and how this may affect my fellow teachers around the world. I began researching the topic and found a few articles about robots and artificial intelligence replacing teachers soon.
It was no surprise to see that educators are furious at this idea, and while I agree that human connection is important, I do think that there are several pros to having help from a robot in this tough industry from time to time. For example, robots can create a learning experience based on the personality of every single student, and this does not take much time or effort. I will explain more about what robots can help with throughout the article as well as explain why human teachers are still a necessity
After reading this article, you will officially know:
- 6 advantages of a human teacher
- 5 pros of a robot teacher
- Who is better Human of Robot teachers?
6 Main Advantages of a Human Teacher
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What You Might Have Missed in August–What’s up in September
Here are the most-read posts for the month of August:
- Tech Ed Resources–Coaching
- How to Thank a Teacher
- Benefits of a Short Course
- Notetaking and Study Apps
- Free Keyboarding Posters
- Essential Tech Tools for History Class
- Habits of Mind
- Which Digital Device Should I Use
- Lessons Learned my First 5 Years of Teaching
- Incorporate Podcasting Into Your Curriculum
Here’s a preview of what’s coming up in September:
- More Free Posters
- 8 Tips to Become Tomorrow’s Teacher
- Apps for Curious Students
- Fall Websites
- How to Evaluate Apps

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Lessons Learned My First 5 Years Of Teaching
It’s always interesting to find out what new teachers learned in their early teaching that affected their later years. Here’s Ask a Tech Teacher contributor, Elaine Vanessa’s, take on that–5 bits of wisdom she acquired while surviving the early teaching years:
My first five years of teaching were the shortest and longest years of my life. I was living the best and the worst time simultaneously. However, it was the most memorable time of my life that I don’t want to forget. Also, those five years made me a well-groomed educator and a better person in my life.
Every teacher has a dream of having a classroom with respectful kids having fun activities and love while learning. It makes teaching easy if kids love to be in the room every day. However, my first years were not like that. As I continued, I got better every year. There was one thing consistent; learning. Below are five lessons that I have learned in my first five years of teaching. I am sharing them in the hope of being a candle in someone’s darkroom.
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Balance the Delivery
Four to six hours in front of a computer for instruction. Unaccounted time for social media and gaming usage. Sounds like too much screen time? Some parents are beginning to see the fatigue in their children. School administrators and teachers are feeling the fatigue, as well as their jobs become increasingly dependent on computer and phone usage. So what gives in the post-pandemic world?
Years ago, I took the lead in writing a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policy for my school site, which was later adopted by my district. At the time, I thought this was a novel approach to address the lack of technology for students. It worked until our site eventually became one of the first sites to roll out a one-to-one policy with Chromebooks. While already aware of the effects smartphones had on students’ attention, I tried to keep a balanced approach to using technology in my classroom. However, being a techie, I continually experimented with new applications and, later, the Canvas LMS. I found that students were happy using the technology, but some would rather complete work pen to paper or do an assessment/project without the technology.