22+ Tips on How to Work Remotely

Life often interferes with work. Vacations, conferences, PD–all these take us away from our primary functions and the environment where we are most comfortable delivering our best work. I thought about this when I read an article by a technical subject teacher (math, I think) pulled away from his class for a conference. Often in science/math/IT/foreign languages, subs aren’t as capable (not their fault; I’d capitulate if you stuck me in a Latin language class). He set up a video with links for classwork and a realtime feed where he could be available and check in on the class. As a result, students–and the sub–barely missed him. Another example of teaching remotely arrives when schools struggle with the unusually high number of snow days. So many, in fact, that they were either going to have to extend the school year or lose funding. Their solution: Have teachers deliver content from their homes to student homes via a virtual set-up.

And then, of course, there’s COVID shut-downs. Nuff said.

All it took to get these remote systems started was a problem that required a solution and flexible risk-taking stakeholders who came up with answers. Before we talk about delivering education to the students, let’s talk about the best way teachers can make this work for themselves–mostly seated, in one room, without the constant to-and-fro of students and colleagues. Here are some ideas: (more…)

Subscriber Special: 2nd Grade Bundle of Lesson Plans

Every month, subscribers to our newsletter get a free/discounted resource to help their tech teaching. Not a subscriber? Click the button below.

2nd Grade Bundle of Lesson Plans

4-2-23 through 4-7-23

Price slashed from $7.99 to $3.99

What’s included in the 2nd Grade Lesson Plans Internet bundle:

  • A brief summary of each project, including suggested grade level and prior knowledge, time required, software required
  • Higher-order thinking skills addressed
  • Technology-specific skills taught 
Five projects include:
Art Online
Online resources from the world’s great art museums, do-it-yourself sites and more.
Online Sustained Silent Reading Sites
Use the internet to offer variety in Sustained Silent Reading (SSR) program (which is the same as DEAR–Drop Everything and Read). Every student can find something they’ll like on these websites.
Online Spelling Practice.
Use www.spellingcity.com to practice spelling words, site word or Dolch words.
Elementary Research on the Internet
Provide a list of websites on a topic, specific questions on a worksheet to answer, citation sheets to complete.
Internet Basx
Explores the internet (back/forward buttons, toolbar, links, home page, netiquette, plagiarism, etc.)

To get this huge savings, you must be a subscriber. If you aren’t (more…)

Facing Fourth Grade: Tips for Parents Dealing with Academic and Social Challenges

Dealing with academic and social challenges in fourth grade can be challenging for parents. There are several strategies parents can use to support their children effectively. Here are ideas from the Ask a Tech Teacher team:

Facing Fourth Grade: Tips for Parents Dealing with Academic and Social Challenges

As our kids step into fourth grade, it’s a big deal! It’s a time when they’re diving into more challenging schoolwork and facing new social situations. For us parents, it can feel like we’re navigating uncharted waters alongside them. From helping with tough math problems to supporting them through friendship ups and downs, fourth grade brings its share of hurdles. In this article, we’ll talk about the common challenges we might run into as parents in fourth grade and share some down-to-earth tips on how to tackle them, making the journey smoother for both our kids and us.

Academic Challenges in Fourth Grade

Navigating the academic terrain of fourth grade entails a substantial shift towards a more intricate curriculum and heightened expectations. As students transition into this pivotal year, they are met with a multifaceted array of challenges, each demanding a nuanced approach for successful navigation. At the forefront of these challenges lies mathematics, a subject that undergoes a profound transformation as students delve into more advanced concepts. 

With the introduction of fractions, decimals, and geometry, the mathematical landscape becomes notably complex, posing significant hurdles for students and parents alike. Concepts that were once straightforward now require a deeper level of understanding and application, leading to feelings of confusion and uncertainty among learners. This is where the importance of seeking external support becomes apparent. Enter the online math tutor for 4th graders, a beacon of guidance in the tumultuous sea of mathematical challenges. By leveraging the expertise of a qualified tutor, parents can provide their children with personalized assistance and targeted support tailored to their unique learning styles and pace. Whether it’s breaking down intricate equations, elucidating geometric principles, or fostering critical thinking skills, these tutors offer invaluable assistance that fosters not only understanding but also confidence in mathematical abilities.

Moreover, the academic challenges of fourth grade extend beyond mathematics, encompassing a diverse range of subjects such as science, language arts, and social studies. With this expanded academic landscape comes an increased workload, placing additional demands on students’ time and organizational skills. Managing this workload effectively becomes paramount, requiring students to develop strong time management strategies and study habits. Additionally, the transition to fourth grade often coincides with a heightened emphasis on independent learning and critical thinking skills, further complicating the academic landscape.

Yet, despite these challenges, there is ample opportunity for growth and success. By fostering a nurturing and supportive environment at home, parents can empower their children to overcome obstacles and thrive academically. This includes fostering open communication channels with teachers and school staff, advocating for additional support resources such as online tutoring services, and instilling a growth mindset that emphasizes resilience and perseverance in the face of challenges. Ultimately, by working together as a team and providing the necessary support and guidance, parents can help their children navigate the complexities of fourth-grade academia and emerge stronger and more confident learners. (more…)

World Backup Day

World Backup Day–March 31st Every Year

March 31st is called World Backup Day. At least once a year, I remind you to backup your data files to an external drive (like a flash drive). This is one that isn’t connected to your local computer so can’t be compromised if you get a virus. It’s good to always backup data to cloud drives or a different drive on your computer but once a year, do the entire collection of data files to what is called an ‘air gap’ drive–one that is separated from any internet connection.

How to do this 

There are various ways to back up your data. You can back up your data to an external device or a cloud-based backup service, or both. You might even make more than one backup to external storage devices and keep the two copies in different places.

To back up PC/Windows, use Windows Backup:

  • Click the start button.
  • Go to Control Panel
  • Select ‘Backup and Restore’
  • Select ‘Backup Now’

From there, select a drive with sufficient space and start. Be forewarned: If you have a lot of data, it takes a while. You can work on your computer while it’s backing up; it’ll just be slower.

Mac: Use the Time Machine tool.

Chromebook: No need. Everything is saved to the cloud. Now if you want to backup your cloud, use a service like Backupify.


Invention Convention 2024 is coming


Invention Convention Worldwide is a global K-12 invention education curricular program mapped to national and state educational standards that teaches students problem-identification, problem-solving, entrepreneurship and creativity skills and builds confidence in invention, innovation and entrepreneurship for life. Signups for the annual Raytheon Technologies Invention Convention US Nationals start March 29, 2024 (that’s today–publication day for this article).

RTX Invention Convention U.S. Nationals 2024 will be held at The Henry Ford in Dearborn, MI on June 5-7, 2024. Here’s a calendar of events (from Invention Convention Worldwide):


35+ Easter Websites and Apps

Many Christians celebrate Jesus Christ’s resurrection on Easter Sunday. To non-Christians (or non-traditional Christians), that event signifies a rebirth of spring that is filled with joy and gifts — and chocolate! Overall, it is America’s most-popular holiday with Christmas a close second. The date depends on the ecclesiastical approximation of the March equinox. This year, it’s March 31, 2024.

Here’s a good mixture of games, lesson plans, stories, and songs that can be blended into many academic subjects (for updates on this Easter-themed list of websites, click here):

18+ Interactive Easter websites


This website includes a colorful collection of Easter (and Spring) games and information that is visual and enticing to youngers. Games are Easter Math, Easter Egg Hunt, Easter Egg Dress-up, Easter Word hunt, complete-the-sentence, and more. Also, viewers will find websites about the history of Easter around the world.

ABCYa Easter Egg Hunt


Like all of ABCYa’s games and activities, Easter Egg Hunt is a colorful and intuitive educational game for young children.  It is easy-to-understand, playful, with favorite Easter symbols and energetic music that will engage children. The five Easter-themed games are easy-to-understand (no directions required) with a countdown clock to motivate activity. Nicely, it also aligns gameplay with the national standards met.


Cultivating a culture of collaboration in engineering education

National Engineers Week is just behind us. The Ask a Tech Teacher team has one more article discussing an oft-forgotten piece of engineering education: culture:

Cultivating a culture of collaboration in engineering education

The engineering education landscape is shifting because learning is no longer confined to classrooms. Schools and learners recognize that quality education must encompass holistic learning that nurtures academic excellence and cultivates essential life skills. Colleges and universities offering engineering programs are adjusting to the evolution by cultivating a culture of collaboration in education. An inclusive and collaborative environment empowers students to nurture curiosity, continuously improve engineering skills, explore new technologies, and create high-quality engineering solutions. In this post, we’ll explore the value of collaboration in engineering education and top strategies that schools can implement to cultivate a collaborative learning culture.

The case for collaboration in engineering education

Collaboration in engineering education is more than just teamwork; it entails cultivating a mindset that fuels a sense of shared purpose. Creating a culture of collaboration in learning is an indispensable skill in our interconnected world. Here are some of the ways that a collaborative learning culture helps engineering students to learn better and develop personal skills. (more…)