Category: Writing

Creative Writing Tips to Energize Essays

Creative writing techniques can make essays more engaging and original while maintaining the required objective structure. A member of the Ask a Tech Teacher team, when preparing an essay example for her class on the impacts of social media on mental health, used freewriting to brainstorm ideas and created a vivid opening scene describing a teenager’s day (she teaches High School), highlighting moments of social media interaction and their emotional effects. This approach not only captured students’ attention but structured arguments more clearly.

Check out these key strategies to improve essay writing, pulled from the creative genres:

Improve Your Essays Using Creative Writing Techniques

If you feel like all ideas avoid you and you can’t come up with an engaging writing style for your essay, rest assured you aren’t alone. Students all over the world struggle with writer’s block, low inspiration levels, and so on. However, it’s possible to use creative writing ideas to help you come up with a unique essay.

Creative writing focuses on originality and encourages you to use your imagination to express ideas uniquely. However, essays are more objective, as they require facts and evidence to support your claims. Still, you can use a smart combination of both, and this article explains how.

Top Writing Techniques For Better Essays

First things first, creative writing, as the term self-explains, is about producing original fiction. In simple words, it’s all about writing for entertainment or fun. However, it doesn’t mean that you can’t use techniques for creative writing to improve your essays.

We’ve prepared a few valuable tips that you can use to improve your essay. Some of these ideas may fit your writing style and help create high-quality essays and impress your teachers.

Create An Outline Or Plan

It’s a must to have a plan when you’re writing anything — unless it’s a grocery store list, although even then, you must consider what you should buy. Begin by organizing your initial thoughts and ideas because this approach helps you organize your ideas clearly and guarantees you cover all necessary points.

Start with the main topic or thesis, and write it down at the top. Then, list the key points you want to discuss in your writing. Arrange these points in a logical order. Make sure each point connects smoothly with the next. This way, your writing will be clear and understandable. Include examples or facts for each key point.

A clear outline saves time and helps you stay focused as you don’t go off-topic. This method will make your points stronger and provide clarity to your readers.

Look for help when needed

It is fine to seek a logical answer to the question, “Who or what can write essay for me?’, and the answer can be an AI generator. You may need inspiration and guidance from AI, which has a vast database on your topic and training to write in an academic style. Such assistance shouldn’t be considered cheating since you are just looking for support.

Use generated paper to learn and improve your writing skills, and forget about the countless hours spent rewriting several drafts.

Think About The Audience

Always consider who will read your work and think about their interests, needs, and expectations. This approach helps you tailor your content to engage and inform them effectively. If you are writing for a teacher or professor, remember they might be grading several essays. Thus, make your work stand out by being clear, concise, and original. Avoid unnecessary jargon and complicated language; instead, aim for clarity and simplicity.

Use a mix of sentence structures to keep your writing dynamic and interesting. This method helps maintain the reader’s attention. Edit your work so it’s engaging and free of errors or typos, as a well-edited piece shows respect for your audience and enhances your credibility as a writer.


Freewriting is an excellent technique if you need ideas. Sit down with a blank page (or an open laptop) and start writing whatever comes to mind. Don’t worry about grammar, spelling, or relevance at this stage, as the goal is to let your thoughts flow freely.

This method helps you unlock your subconscious and generate ideas you haven’t even thought about. This isn’t a new technique or approach as it was developed back in 1973 by Peter Elbow. Set a timer for ten minutes and write non-stop until the timer goes off.

A “Killer” Opening

A killer opening will capture the attention of your reader. Think about the beginning of a great book or movie. It grabs your attention and makes you want to know more. Your writing should do the same.

Start with something more unique and unexpected, although appropriate, as it’s your essay, not a blog post. Maybe describe a vivid image (your topic or problem) or ask a question that makes the reader think. You want them to be curious and eager to keep reading.

Avoid Ambiguous Endings

An ambiguous ending in fiction can be appropriate and great, although some readers won’t be satisfied. However, an ambiguous ending in an essay won’t be appreciated by your professors.

Readers should finish reading your work knowing exactly what you wanted to say. Avoid leaving them with more questions than answers. Your conclusion should summarize your main points and reinforce your argument or narrative.

Think about the message you want to leave with your reader. It’s important to tie up any loose ends and double-check that your arguments explain every question or suggest an answer to every problem.

Improve Your Writing With Detail

Details make your writing come alive in fiction but also help create a unique essay. Details often prove that you know your topic, especially if you’re providing unique examples from your experience or from your understanding.

When you add detail, it keeps your readers engaged. Instead of skimming through dry facts, they get to enjoy a richer narrative. Whether you’re writing an essay, a story, or a report, add relevant details. They enrich your work and make it more compelling.

In essays, details can help illustrate your points and make your arguments more convincing. For example, if you’re writing about a technology or mechanism that guarantees great results, add details about how it was implemented in real life. Or at least suggest how it should be used in a real scenario. Just be careful not to overdo it. Too many details can overwhelm your reader, so keep in mind that balance never hurts anyone.

Proofread And Edit

Proofreading and editing are a must for everyone, regardless of their type of written work. You can’t expect your first draft to be perfect, but that’s when editing comes into play. Even famous authors like Stephen King emphasize the importance of editing. He advises writers to “kill your darlings,” meaning you should be willing to cut out parts of your writing that don’t add value.

When editing, be honest with yourself and ask if each part of your text truly contributes to your work. If it doesn’t, remove it. After finishing your draft, take a break before you start editing, as this approach helps you see your work with fresh eyes and catch mistakes you might have missed earlier. Make sure you plan enough time for editing so you can review your work to hand it in on time.

Know Everything About Your Writing

Professional writers will tell you that they know exactly what their characters had for dinner on a certain day, or what their favorite color is, and so on. Obviously, this trick can’t be applied directly to essay writing, but you can use the general idea of understanding what you type.

When you’re sitting in front of a computer and typing on the keyboard, don’t do so mindlessly. You must understand each word and sentence. Moreover, you should have a complete understanding of the topic and separate terms within that topic. In that case, your writing will turn out to be professional as it will be clear that you know what you’re writing about.

Consider Peer Feedback

Getting feedback from peers can greatly improve your writing. Writers often ask friends or colleagues to review their work, as this method helps identify any mistakes or areas that need improvement. Peer feedback can highlight things you might overlook, like plot holes, spelling errors, or unnecessary details.

Once you’ve edited your work, ask someone you trust to read it. They can offer a new perspective and catch errors you missed. It’s best if this person isn’t in your class to avoid giving them any ideas for their own work. Remember, constructive criticism is meant to help you improve, so don’t be too upset or angry.

Use A Notebook For Ideas

Keeping a notebook can come in handy for writers since you never know when inspiration will strike. Obviously, in our digital era, you can use your phone or tablet as long as you’re comfortable with typing from these portable devices. However, some people quite enjoy the idea of old-fashioned notebooks. They can add to the general creative process and make it more enjoyable.

This notebook doesn’t have to be just for one project. Use it to store all your ideas, even those that don’t fit your current work. You might think of a brilliant idea while shopping or on your way to class. They might be useful for future essays or stories. Keeping your ideas organized and accessible can help you find inspiration whenever you need it. Plus, the process of reviewing old notes can lead to coming up with new ideas and improving your writing skills.

In summary: Essay writing is challenging and requires analyzing data and providing one’s thoughts on the topic. It’s even more difficult when you can’t find a proper way to express your thoughts in writing. This article explores creative writing tips that can help come up with essay ideas, engage the reader, and generate a unique work.

–image credit to Deposit Photo

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Jacqui Murray has been teaching K-18 technology for 30 years. She is the editor/author of over a hundred tech ed resources including a K-12 technology curriculum, K-8 keyboard curriculum, K-8 Digital Citizenship curriculum. She is an adjunct professor in tech ed, Master Teacher, webmaster for four blogs, freelance journalist on tech ed topics, contributor to NEA Today, and author of the tech thrillers, To Hunt a Sub and Twenty-four Days. You can find her resources at Structured Learning.

Ethics and the Use of AI in Essays

Is using AI in your essay writing unethical and a potential reason your teacher may debate your work’s authenticity? Let’s find out the truth through the Ask a Tech Teacher team:

Ethics and the Use of AI in Essays

AI-driven tools and their use in creative writing, specifically with the purpose of writing essays, have long been a subject of heated debate. The argument against AI-powered tools remains the same: any content produced by artificial intelligence can be viewed as plagiarism. This is the same concern that has been posed about essay writing services and the people who use them. Reading a Scamfighter review is part of my routine, so it is easy to confirm that some writing services are indeed unethical and unprofessional if they use plagiarized content to complete your tasks. However, boundaries become murkier when it comes to AI and its role in writing essays. (more…)

AI and Writing Essays: Pros and Cons, How Will Students Learn to Write if an AI Writes It for Them?

Explore the benefits and drawbacks of AI in essay writing, including its impact on student learning. Unveil the evolving future of writing education with AI through these suggestions from the Ask a Tech Teacher team.

AI and Writing Essays: Pros and Cons, How Will Students Learn to Write if an AI Writes It for Them?

In the fast-changing digital world, integrating AI into education is both a breakthrough and a problem. AI’s influence in essay writing is growing, highlighting both advantages and significant issues. AI algorithms use massive datasets and natural language processing to produce content that replicates student writing styles as teaching tools. This technology will transform education by personalizing learning and meeting various student demands. (more…)

How to Improve Essay Writing Skills–Tips and Strategies

From the three-paragraph essay to one that lives up to the purpose of essays is a big leap both scholastically and skills-wise. Here are four tips from the Ask a Tech Teacher team to get you started:


How to Improve Essay Writing Skills: Abbie Kay from State of Writing Giving Tips and Strategies for Students

Improving essay writing skills is crucial for students aiming to excel academically. Abbie Kay from State of Writing emphasizes that solid writing is about expressing ideas and effectively engaging and persuading your audience. Here, we delve into practical tips and strategies to transform your writing from good to great, ensuring your essays are clear, compelling, and academically rigorous. (more…)

Creative Approaches for Developing Essay Writing Skills

The Cambridge Dictionary defines ‘essay’ as”

a short piece of writing on a particular subject

Most students write their first essay by third grade, probably enjoy the process because of its non-threatening narrative exploration of their thoughts, but by Middle School, the rules and requirements that made essay writing fun change:

In a school test, an essay is a written answer that includes information and discussion, usually to test how well the student understands the subject.

The Ask a Tech Teacher team came up with fresh rules we think are less threatening and more geared to enabling students to enjoy this important writing style. I think you’ll find some of these helpful:

Creative Approaches for Developing Essay Writing Skills

As a college student, the ability to write well-written essays is an essential skill that transcends academic disciplines and serves as a vital tool for effective communication throughout one’s personal and professional life, yet the process of developing this aptitude often presents a formidable challenge that requires a multifaceted approach encompassing various creative techniques and methodologies. Exploring diverse writing exercises, experimenting with different perspectives, and seeking inspiration from various sources can cultivate creativity and enhance essay writing skills, with the option to have professionals write me an essay providing valuable insights and further honing one’s craft. Start small. (more…)

How to Automate an MLA Heading

How to Automate an MLA Heading in Word

This one is quick–how to create a macro that automatically inserts an MLA-appropriate heading:

  • Have students log in. Macros go with the profile of the user, not the local computer.
  • Open MS Word.
  • Decide what the keyboard shortcut will be for the macro. I use Ctrl+Alt+H. Test it to be sure it doesn’t bring up some other shortcut.
  • Go to View-macro-record macro
  • Call the macro ‘MLA Heading’ and select ‘Keyboard’
  • Add your selected keyboard shortcut to ‘Press new shortcut key’  and click ‘Assign’, then ‘Close’.
  • Your mouse becomes a cassette tape. Type the heading that will be part of your macro. Feel free to backspace and make corrections. Those are all recorded, but they’re so fast, you won’t notice when you invoke the macro.
  • Stop recording by clicking Macros – Stop Recording.
  • Test the shortkey

Clean and simple, and fun for students–a great lesson during Hour of Code or another coding lesson. The macro will impress anyone sitting by them when they are logged in.

Here’s a quick four-minute video on creating a macro (though this one, not specifically for an MLA heading): (more…)

National Handwriting Day

National Handwriting Day is celebrated on January 23rd each year. It is a day dedicated to promoting the importance of handwriting and encouraging people to embrace the art of writing by hand. This day was established to honor the birthday of John Hancock, one of the Founding Fathers of the United States, known for his prominent and stylish signature on the Declaration of Independence. Handwriting is considered a personal and unique form of expression, and National Handwriting Day aims to celebrate and preserve this traditional skill.

Articles on handwriting from Ask a Tech Teacher:

Check these out:

When is Typing Faster Than Handwriting?

Is Handwriting So Last Generation

Is Handwriting So Last Generation–Redux

How to Create a Handwriting Workbook to Help Improve Penmanship

Handwriting vs. Keyboarding–from a Student’s Perspective

When is Typing Faster Than Handwriting? (more…)

Become a Master Essay Writer: 5 Innovative Approaches to Enhance Your Writing Skills

Writing an essay paper like a pro needs specific critical skills. Keep reading to enhance your ability to curate a unique essay paper.

Become a Master Essay Writer: 5 Innovative Approaches to Enhance Your Writing Skills


Thinking of some topic and putting that into academic words is a cumbersome transition that most students fail to complete. Yes! We are talking about essay writing, which you find a daunting task.

Writing an essay is mostly difficult for students as they need to rely on their research and writing abilities. Well, in the modern context with digital approaches, it is possible to research firmly on any particular subject matter. You can also get help from prominent writing services who have experts in dealing with your unique subject matters.

They can provide you with all the essentials and even write a paper for you. However, writing uniquely is critical for your future conditions. It’s time to unleash your writing skills and bring out the best version of yourself.

Well, writing an essay can be your best choice to deal with your writing abilities. Becoming a good writer is your choice, but it’s difficult to assess. You need all the hard work and skills to put on the table at once.

From concentration to elaboration skills, all you need to work on immediately.

Well, don’t worry!

Writing a good essay paper requires some unique tricks to follow, and we have curated and listed those for you here.

Best Shots To Write A Unique Essay Paper

When you are required to come up with a unique and engaging piece, the essay becomes a comparatively more difficult task for you.

Well, we understand your concerns, and we know how most students suffer from their actions in writing an essay paper. Whether it’s your assignment or the home, your instructor will always try to focus on the quality of your writing.

Here comes the problems!

Not everyone is capable of writing well!

However, with the right approach, you can become a master essay writer and create compelling essays that stand out from the rest. In this article, we will share five innovative approaches that will help you enhance your writing skills and produce exceptional essays that captivate your readers.

From organizing your thoughts using a mind map to using evidence, reasoning, and scholarship to support your arguments, we have got you all covered. So, it’s time to read on to discover the best shots to write a unique essay paper.

Use A Mind Map To Organize Your Thoughts

Using a mind map might seem like an exasperated and exaggerated condition to follow. However, you will not understand the prominence of it until you try it.

Using a mind map is essential because it helps create the fortune for your writing.


Well, the moment you start using a mind map, you will understand that the topic of an essay has a lot of unexplored areas. Now, a mind map can help you organize your thoughts in a way that can curate the essay paper wholly.

Primarily, it’s not a big deal, but most students forget to follow it. Among many, you might get confused about what to go for and what not to do.

In the meantime, your mindmap can help you focus on particular areas that are especially relevant to the topic. With mind map processing, you can make decisions on your writing process and heading selection. Apart from that, it will also help you micro-manage things under the whole paper.

Organize A Coherent Essay

This is the most basic form of essay writing:

  • Introduction
  • Discussion
  • Conclusion

We have seen people consider the dissertation writing style and form in essay writing. However, you need to understand that essay paper does not depend mostly on the headings. It is more about discussion and how you interpret the whole topic.

While the introduction considers a firm statement on the topic, people will be confused and curious about your writing steps. So, an introduction with statements can help you engage the reader in your essay paper.

In the body section, you will write it all! Consider the whole development of your statement in the discussion part. You will also elaborate and argue on your discussions likewise.

This might seem critical, but it is not! Now, you can follow and stage the significance in the conclusion part with all firm discussions.

Analyze The Question

Analyzing the question might seem hard, but the more you focus on your topic, the better you will understand what things you need to dig into in particular. Knowing the topic is not enough; but you need to find out which aspects you want to work on.

It is not possible to cover all the aspects of a particular topic in a single essay paper. While you are not alone in this mess, you will need to understand the importance of being specific with your writing process and maintaining the whole structure on your own.

Find out what you can discuss better, and depending on the questions, deliver your discussion gradually. Never hurry to the conclusion!

Be patient and deliverable to your writing process.

Use Evidence, Reasoning, And Scholarship

From citation to collaboration, you need to handle it all. In an essay paper, delivering the evidence is crucial.

The more you focus on your writing process, the better it will be for you to deliver proper reasoning of the evidence.

After that, use pre-existing scholarly articles to cite your evidence and collaborate with those in writing a new essay paper. If you want to establish something, you need to engage proper evidence from the previous scholars.

Write Clearly

There is nothing more effective than dealing with the right approaches to writing on a particular subject matter. If you are not clear with your word choices and topic-specific writing style, it may lead to a poor writing process altogether.

Here comes the importance of your writing style!

You cannot be efficient in all forms of writing, and you need to accept that. As a student, you hardly get time to nurture your particular skills. However, writing an essay is a good chance to nurture your writing skills.

Try to always focus on the subject matter and see examples of how to write on those topics. For instance, if you are writing on legal issues, you can add some special words that are firmly used in law-based articles.

In the same process, you will be able to separate different topics and related writing styles to engage clarity in your writing process. Consider those to ensure that you can put the best effort into your writing process.

Copyright ©2023 – All rights reserved.

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Jacqui Murray has been teaching K-18 technology for 30 years. She is the editor/author of over a hundred tech ed resources including a K-12 technology curriculum, K-8 keyboard curriculum, K-8 Digital Citizenship curriculum. She is an adjunct professor in tech ed, Master Teacher, webmaster for four blogs, an Amazon Vine Voice, CSTA presentation reviewer, freelance journalist on tech ed topics, contributor to NEA Today, and author of the tech thrillers, To Hunt a Sub and Twenty-four Days. You can find her resources at Structured Learning.