Category: Math
Common Core: A Lesson Plan for STEM (on Bridges)
Here’s a free lesson plan from the newest Ask a Tech Teacher book, How to Achieve Common Core with Tech–the Math Strand. This covers K-8, 114 Standards, and has 20 projects.
BTW, the lines at the front of each step are to check off the skill–track progress in case you don’t complete it in one class period. Feel free to print out for your classroom use:
Essential Question
How can I use practical and theoretical knowledge to solve a problem?
Students virtually construct a viable, affordable bridge and submit it (if age limits met) to a national competition. They use theoretical knowledge in a practical application. When done, they reflect on importance of both theoretical and practical in problem solving.
This lesson contributes to the rigor of your school’s math program, defined by Common Core: … Use of technology differentiates for student learning styles by providing an alternative method of achieving conceptual understanding, procedural skill and fluency, and applying to authentic circumstances.
By the end of this unit, middle school students will review all eight Standards for Mathematical Procedures, 3 W and 3 RST standards, as well as embrace an authentic experience in problem solving and the practical applications of math knowledge.
Big Idea
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Do you like Online Training?
I have just started working with an online teacher training group called Curriculum Study Group. We offer online training to teachers via Google Hangouts, YouTube, instant feedback, and lots of collaborative learning. I am very excited to be part of this venture…
…but I must confess, before I joined, I wondered if teachers would be comfortable hanging out with like-minded professionals for an hour a week? Well, my good friend Amy over at CSG sent me this survey run by Project Tomorrow, a nonprofit group based in Irvine, Calif (my backyard). It seems they had the same question so did a poll. Here are the results:
What’s the take-away: Yes, across the board, principals and teachers are comfortable with online training.
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Weekend Website #125: Starfall Math
Every week, I share a website that inspired my students. Here’s one you may have missed. Starfall is a lot more than reading…
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Weekend Website #108: Wowzers
Every Friday, I share a website (or app) that I’ve heard about, checked into, been excited to use. This one covers math. Since ‘math’ is by far the most popular search term of readers who seek out my blog, I know you’re going to enjoy this review.
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Dear Otto: What are Options on Digital Portfolios
Dear Otto is an occasional column where I answer questions I get from readers about teaching tech. If you have a question, please complete the form below and I’ll answer it here. For your privacy, I use only first names.
I received this question from Mary.
I teach Media Production, where my year 9 students get creative with Adobe Photoshop, Audition, Premier Pro and Stop Motion Pro. They have a wonderful time, but I would love to be able to provide them with a way of keeping a digital portfolio of their work. Our school runs Blackboard, but the digital portfolio add-in is very expensive, too much for our small school.
Are there any free web-based options I should know about, or less expensive ones?
Hi Mary
Have you considered getting students signed up for wikispaces? You can create a free wiki, add each student as a member and let them create their own page, then they can embed each project right onto their wiki page. I did this with 5th graders last year and got some beautiful results (albeit mixed because of the age. Some got it; some glazed over).
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Weekend Website #100: CybraryMan Math
Every Friday, I’ll send you a wonderful website (or more) that my classes and my parents love. I think you’ll find they’ll be a favorite of your students as they are of mine.
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23 Websites to Support Math Automaticity in K-5
Summer is when parents worry about math facts and the automaticity of math skills. The following websites focus solely on that facet of math.
I’ve broken them down by grade level, but you can decide if your second graders are precocious enough to try the websites for grades 3-5:
You can find updates for this page here.
- Math Flashcards
- Math Practice Test
- Mental Math
- Mental Math Drills
- Minute Math
- More Quick Math
- Multiplication Tables
- Quick Math
- Quick Math II
- Quick Math—by level (more…)
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How to Use Excel to Teach Math Arrays
Grade Level: 5th (or whichever grade you are teaching arrays)
Background: None. This is an intro to MS Excel
Vocabulary: Excel, cell, rows, columns, paint bucket, borders, arrays, resize, formulas
Time: About 30 minutes
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Weekend Website #64: Khan Academy
Every Friday I’ll send you a wonderful website that my classes and my parents love. I think you’ll find they’ll be a favorite of your students as they are of mine.
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Weekend Websites #56: 23 Websites to Support Math Automaticity in K-5
This is the time of year when teachers worry about math facts and the automaticity of math skills. The following websites focus solely on that facet of math. I’ve broken them down by grade level, but you can decide if your second graders are precocious enough to try the websites for grades 3-5 (click here for an UTD list):
- Math Flashcards
- Math Practice Test
- Mental Math
- Mental Math Drills
- Minute Math
- More Quick Math
- Multiplication Tables (more…)