Author: Jacqui
Weekend Website #11: Google Moon
Drop by every week to discover what wonderful website my homeschoolers loved this week. I think you’ll find they’ll be a favorite of yours as they are of mine. (more…)
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Tech Tip #1: Using the (Useless) Insert Key
In my fifteen years of teaching and tutoring tech, I’ve seen everything–and come up with solutions for all of it. I’ll share those with you. My goal: That students (of all ages) feel empowered not frightened by technology, that it is fun not frustrating. These tips will get you there with you and your kids.
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Life Wisdom From Your Computer #1: Consider RAM
Life is hard, but lessons are all around us. If you pay attention, you’ll do well. The trick is to take your lessons where you can find them. In my case, being a technology teacher, it’s from computers.
Here’s my first tip: Know when your RAM is full. (more…)
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Tech Tip #61: How to Get Youngers to Use the Right Mouse Button
In my fifteen years of teaching and tutoring tech, I’ve seen everything–and come up with solutions for all of it. I’ll share those with you. My goal: That students (of all ages) feel empowered not frightened by technology, that it is fun not frustrating. These tips will get you there with you and your kids.
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Summer Activities to Keep Kids in Tech
I love summer! Summer should be a complete change from all the academic stuff that has happened all year. Sports, hikes, hobbies. Time to pet the dog. (more…)