#72: How to Check Your Math in a Spreadsheet

This is one of the most popular lessons I teach to Excel beginners. It is relevant, instantly usable and makes sense from the beginning. Before you start this one, you might want to complete Project 70 and 71.

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–from 55 Technology Projects for the Digital Classroom

–image credit Deposit Photos

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Copyright ©2024 worddreams.wordpress.com – All rights reserved.

“The content presented in this blog is the result of my creative imagination and not intended for use, reproduction, or incorporation into any artificial intelligence training or machine learning systems without prior written consent from the author.”

Jacqui Murray has been teaching K-18 technology for 30 years. She is the editor/author of over a hundred tech ed resources including a K-12 technology curriculum, K-8 keyboard curriculum, K-8 Digital Citizenship curriculum. She is an adjunct professor in tech ed, Master Teacher, webmaster for four blogs, CSTA presentation reviewer, freelance journalist on tech ed topics, contributor to NEA Today, and author of the tech thrillers, To Hunt a Sub and Twenty-four Days. You can find her resources at Structured Learning.

100th Day of School — It’s about Learning

The 100th day of school is a special milestone celebrated in many educational institutions around the world. It is particularly popular in elementary schools, often filled with fun and educational activities centered around the number 100.

How to celebrate

Here are activities I like that blend learning into the celebration of the 100th Day of School:


As a class, come up with two locations in each state, to total 100. One will be oriented around geography and one around history (such as “Kansas became a state January 29, 1861”). Include a brief description and a picture and then share the collection with parents and schoolmates in the class newsletter or another vehicle.


Research what happened the hundredth year of your home country’s existence.  What was the country like a hundred years ago? What caused it to change? Who was president? What has been invented since then? Divide the class into groups so the project can be completed in one class period. Then, have everyone copy their information to a digital magazine (like you can create in Canva or Adobe) and share it with everyone.


The 3 Best Strategies For Teachers To Keep Students Engaged

The 3 Best Strategies For Teachers To Keep Students Engaged

Engaging students in the classroom is a key factor in successful teaching and learning. However, keeping students interested and involved in their education can be a big challenge. It’s very important to make sure they are engaged and actively learning so they can end up going to a good college and building a future with a good foundation.

With distractions from technology and diverse learning needs, teachers need to constantly adapt and find innovative ways to keep their students focused. Having the right strategy is essential. In this article, we will give you several tips to help increase engagement among your students. (more…)

Subscriber Special: February Common Core Math Lessons

Every month, subscribers to our newsletter get a free/discounted resource to help their tech teaching.

Common Core–Math Lesson Plans

141 pages, 20 projects, over 114 Common Core standards, for K-8.

33% off right now through February 3, 2024

How to Achieve Common Core with Tech is a four-volume series that focuses on using technology to meet Common Core standards in Language, Writing, Reading, Speaking/Listening (not yet available), and Math.

This volume–Math–includes 20 projects and 114 Common Core Standards for K-8, each showing how technology makes achieving Common Core math standards intuitive, time-saving, and exciting for students with a natural love of all things digital. Each lesson includes:

  1. Common Core standards addressed
  2. NETS-S Standards addressed
  3. Vocabulary used
  4. Time Required
  5. Grade level recommended and suggested background
  6. Essential Question
  7. Big Idea 
  8. Materials required and teacher preparation
  9. Step-by-step directions
  10. Help with tech problems
  11. Extensions—how to differentiate and dig deeper

A note: These books are not intended to teach Common Core Standards. What these books show is how to use technology to teach.

  • Digital: 141 pages
  • Publisher: Structured Learning
  • Language: English
  • ISBN: 978-0-9893690-3-9

Curious? Here’s a preview:

 CCSS–Math TPT Preview

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Copyright ©2024 – All rights reserved.

“The content presented in this blog is the result of my creative imagination and not intended for use, reproduction, or incorporation into any artificial intelligence training or machine learning systems without prior written consent from the author.”

Jacqui Murray has been teaching K-18 technology for 30 years. She is the editor/author of over a hundred tech ed resources including a K-12 technology curriculum, K-8 keyboard curriculum, K-8 Digital Citizenship curriculum. She is an adjunct professor in tech ed, Master Teacher, webmaster for four blogs, CSTA presentation reviewer, freelance journalist on tech ed topics, contributor to NEA Today, and author of the tech thrillers, To Hunt a Sub and Twenty-four Days. You can find her resources at Structured Learning.

10 Online Video Resources About Math

There are great reasons to use online videos to learn math:

  • Visual Learning: for many, this makes complex topics easier to understand 
  • Flexibility: access content at their own pace 
  • Engagement: engaging and interactive
  • Review and Replay: revisit specific sections of a video as many times as needed to reinforce understanding.
  • Supplementary Learning: complement traditional learning

Here are ten online resources for teaching math that I think you’ll like (for updates to this list, click here): (more…)

What You Might Have Missed in January–What’s up in February

Here are the most-read posts for the past month:

  1. Top Ten Articles, Tips, and Reviews for 2023
  2. Tech Tip #8–Print a selection off a webpage
  3. Free MLK Lesson Plans
  4. Tons of Online Resources About Classroom Management
  5. Implementing Mindfulness Practices in Schools
  6. 13 Websites to Learn Everything About Landforms
  7. National Handwriting Day
  8. 5 Internet Safety Tips for Teachers
  9. What Happens When Technology Fails? 3 Work-Arounds
  10. A Holiday Memory in Word or KidPix

Here’s a preview of what’s coming up:

  1. Online resources about puzzles
  2. Online video resources for math
  3. How to check your math in a spreadsheet
  4. Tech Tip: My keyboard doesn’t work
  5. 100th Day of School
  6. 16 Tech Problems every 5th grader can solve
  7. Engineering Week
  8. Online graphic resources
  9. 13 tips to solve unusual problems
  10. Dr. Seuss–Techie style

–image credit to Deposit Photo (more…)

Mastering Photo Editing: A High School Student’s Ultimate Guide to a Creative Career

As High School students explore post-graduation options, more and more are looking at careers as creators. Boosted by the rise in popularity of generative AI image options like DALL-E, photo editing as a career enjoys a resurgence among those preparing to enter the work force. It is fulfilling and potentially lucrative and relies heavily on individual passion and preparation. The Ask a Tech Teacher team has ideas on how to prepare for this career if it is your future.

Dive into the world of photo editing with our comprehensive guide tailored for high school students. Discover essential skills, artistic techniques, and practical steps for building a standout portfolio. Learn about color theory, composition, and the latest software to kickstart your journey in digital art and prepare for a successful career in photo editing.

How High School Students Can Prepare for a Career in Photo Editing

Photo editing has become a crucial skill in the digital age for professional photographers and anyone aspiring to a creative career. Our article aims to guide high school students like you who are interested in this field, highlighting the essential skills and artistic insights needed for success. 

We will explore how mastering photo editing goes beyond learning software, emphasizing the importance of visual storytelling, artistic expression, and technical proficiency. No more words, let’s get it started! (more…)

12 Online Resources About Puzzles


National Puzzle Day is celebrated on January 29th each year. It’s a day dedicated to enjoying and solving puzzles of all kinds, including jigsaw puzzles, crosswords, Sudoku, and various other brain teasers. Puzzle enthusiasts often use this day to engage in their favorite puzzle-solving activities and share their passion with others. Whether it’s a solo endeavor or a group activity, National Puzzle Day encourages people to exercise their minds and have fun with the challenges that puzzles present. If you have any specific questions or if there’s anything else you’d like to know about National Puzzle Day, feel free to ask!

Puzzles are also a great way to practice keyboarding skills like drag-drop, click, and select.

Here are popular puzzles resources teachers are using to teach mouse skills, critical thinking, and more (for updates on this Puzzles list, click here): (more…)

Tech Tip #41 Fix Computer with System Restore

In these 169 tech situations, you get practical strategies to address many classroom tech situations.

Today’s tip: Fix computer with system restore

Category: Problem-solving

Q:  My computer no longer runs right. I downloaded the auto-updates to my PC and it hasn’t worked right since. What do I do?

System Restore is a recovery tool for Windows that allows you to reverse certain kinds of changes made to the operating system. One way to think of it is as an “undo” feature for the most important parts of Windows.

Here’s how you use it:

  • Type ‘system restore’ into the search bar at the bottom of the start menu.
  • Select ‘system restore’ from the list.
  • Follow the directions.

Note: The system restores to a point you created earlier so you have to have done that. If you need help with this concept, here’s a longish YT that covers it in depth: (more…)

What Happens When Technology Fails? 3 Work-Arounds

Has this happened to you? You spend hours rewriting an old lesson plan, incorporating rich, adventurous tools available on the internet. You test it several times just to be sure. It’s a fun lesson self-paced lesson plan with lots of activities and meandering paths students undoubtedly will adore. Technology enables it to differentiate authentically for the diverse group of learners that walk across your threshold.

Everyone who previewed it is wowed. You are ready.

Until the day of, the technology that is its foundation fails. Hours of preparation wasted because no one could get far enough to learn a d*** thing. You blame yourself–why didn’t you stick with what you’d always done?  Now, everyone is disappointed.
