Category: History
#50: American Revolution Magazine in Publisher
This project includes everything the student user will require throughout high school. It has so many skills, every student will find one that grabs their imagination.
Reminder: Make this the second magazine they attempt (unless they’re in middle school) so they’ve had some practice with the more basic skills. You might try the California Mission magazine one year and this the next. (more…)
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Weekend Websites: 22 Culture Websites
There are a lot of good culture websites. Here are 22 from my collection:
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Technology in Schools: A Brief History
I have a special treat for you today–a bit of history, compliments of a dear efriend, Janet Abercrombie of Expat Educator. Janet teaches math, but in a refreshingly nontraditional manner. She has given me countless ideas for integrating tech into math (or ‘maths’ as they say outside the US).
She just finished up a teaching gig in Hong Kong and is moving to Australia. Through her, I gain insight into the worldwide educational world, something I could never do on my own. But Janet shares her experiences with everyone who visits
her blog, including the differences in spelling around the planet, which I’ve left unchanged.
Today, it’s the history of tech. Most of you are too young to have used this equipment, but I can verify: It’s all true:
I recently worked in a school with a Tech Museum. Recognise any of the items in the pictures below?
When I look at this wall of old gadgets, I am taken back to my first practicum teaching assignment – the slightly damp, purple-blue ditto copies that emerged with a toxic smell second only to rubber cement.
Technology has changed tremendously since the ditto machine. As you read, ask yourself this: At what point in time did classroom instruction need to change with the emerging technology?
For a little New Year’s fun, this post includes early tech trivia questions that you can answer in the comment box.
Tech Integration Phase 1: Pre-90s
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Weekend Website #111: 40 California Mission Websites
Here’s a list of 40 websites that will inspire your fourth graders about California missions (check here for updated links)
- CA Missions–each
- CA History-Missions
- CA mission history
- CA Mission Internet Trail
- CA Mission Life
- CA Mission Pictures
- CA Mission Pictures—all Missions
- CA Mission websites–list of
- CA Mission websites–list of
- CA missions
- CA Missions
- CA Missions 1780 to present
- CA Missions Foundation
- CA Missions Online–each
- CA Missions today
- CA Missions–Christianity
- CA Missions–each
- CA Missions—each mission
- CA Missions–general
- CA Missions–general II
- CA Missions–general III
- CA Missions–info on each II
- CA Missions–info on each III
- CA Missions–list of sites
- CA Missions–more
- CA Missions–more
- CA Missions–Santa Barbara
- Daily Life at Missions
- Father Serra
- Father Serra II
- Father Serra III
- Father Serra–more
- Father Serra—still more
- Google Earth Mission Tour
- Mission Quotes
- Mission Timeline
- Mission Websites for Kids
- Santa Barbara Mission
- The Spanish Missions
- Tour CA Missions with Google Earth
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#37: Use Oregon Trail to Teach Westward Expansion
Show students how to get the most out of Oregon trail by reading the headings on each screen, thinking about problem solving skills and applying the simulation to their classroom discussion on westward expansion. I include a worksheet of questions they can answer as well as additional websites to extend their education.
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Jacqui Murray has been teaching K-18 technology for 30 years. She is the editor/author of over a hundred tech ed resources including a K-12 technology curriculum, K-8 keyboard curriculum, K-8 Digital Citizenship curriculum. She is an adjunct professor in tech ed, Master Teacher, webmaster for four blogs, an Amazon Vine Voice, CSTA presentation reviewer, freelance journalist on tech ed topics, contributor to NEA Today, and author of the tech thrillers, To Hunt a Sub and Twenty-four Days. You can find her resources at Structured Learning.
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#40: Wonders of Google Earth
Students create their own tour on Google Earth using locations selected by the classroom teacher. They add the locations to Google Earth, add a fact about it and turn it into a tour.
[gallery columns="2" ids="44486,44485,44487,44484"]
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Weekend Website #44: Mission US
Every Friday I’ll send you a wonderful website that my classes and my parents love. I think you’ll find they’ll be a favorite of your students as they are of mine.