The High School technology curriculum prepares students for their college-and-career future not by teaching widgets and programs—though that happens—but by showing them how to use the tech they have acquired throughout their education. How do they decide what program works best for what inquiry? How do they acquire the use of tools they have never before seen? How do they self-assess their knowledge, ensuring they acquired what they need? Don’t expect black-and-white answers. Success is more likely predicated on student transfer of knowledge than their ability to check off boxes on a rubric.
Here’s a quick overview of what you will find in this textbook:
- Scope and Sequence aligned with ISTE and Common Core
- Themed units tied into inquiry
- Experiential learning with real-world applications
- Opportunities for students to express and grow in their creativity
- International mindedness
- Articles on tech pedagogy
Each Unit includes:
- an emphasis on comprehension, problem-solving, critical thinking, to prepare for career and college
- Common Core Standards covered
- ISTE Standards covered
- essential question
- big idea
- materials required
- time required to complete
- domain-specific vocabulary
- problem solving
- steps to accomplish goals
- assessment strategies
- ways to extend learning
- project examples where appropriate
- grading rubrics where appropriate

This is the first of three books focused on high school students and their unique technology needs. It will be a series of lesson plans to teach the technology skills high schoolers will require in college and career. It will include age-appropriate lessons on coding, tech problem-solving, word processing, spreadsheets, publishing an ebook, debating, and more. It will include a teacher manual (can be purchased separately) and student workbooks (licensed for a set number of students).
Units include:
- Introduction
- Digital Tools in the Classroom
- Digital Citizenship
- Keyboarding
- Problem Solving
- Screenshots, Screencasts, Videos
- Word Processing Summative
- Writing with Comics, Twitter, More
- Desktop Publishing
- Spreadsheets
- Financial Literacy
- Internet Search and Research
- Presentation Boards
- Slideshows
- Infographics
- Google Earth Lit Trip
- Online Image Legalities
- Image Editing
- Webtools
- Genius Hour
- Coding
- Write and Publish an Ebook
- The Debate
Note: These topics are similar to the Middle School curriculum units but updated for High School.
Here’s a preview:
You can purchase the teacher manual or a licensed set of student workbooks (which includes the teacher manual). Here’s a preview of both:
HS Teacher Manual for the Technology Curriculum
HS Student Workbook for the technology curriculum
(includes teacher manual)
Here’s where to buy:
Teacher Manual (digital only): from the Publisher’s website or Teachers Pay Teachers
Student Workbooks (digital only): from the Publisher or Teachers Pay Teachers
Jacqui Murray has been teaching K-18 technology for 30 years. She is the editor/author of over a hundred tech ed resources including a K-12 technology curriculum, K-8 keyboard curriculum, K-8 Digital Citizenship curriculum. She is an adjunct professor in tech ed, Master Teacher, webmaster for four blogs, an Amazon Vine Voice, CSTA presentation reviewer, freelance journalist on tech ed topics, contributor to NEA Today, and author of the tech thrillers, To Hunt a Sub and Twenty-four Days. You can find her resources at Structured Learning.