
online math

Updated 12-30-23

  1. CK12 Math help
  2. EquatIO (Texthelp)–free for teachers; integrates into Canvas
  3. Generation Genius–K-8 math and science videos
  4. Good Calculators
  5. Google Earth in Math
  6. King of Math (app)
  7. Learn Multiplication facts—for fun
  8. Mathantics
  9. Math Basics Plus
  10. Math edutainment
  11. Mathematica–from Wolfram Alpha; desktop, cloud, and mobile device
  12. Math for K
  13. Math in REal Life–from TEDEd: 167 lesson plans
  14. Math Minutes
  15. Math practice—requires subscription
  16. Math Science Music
  17. Maths Dictionary
  18. Math skills links
  19. Mathway–make printable worksheets
  20. New Assistments--aligns with your math curriculum
  21. Operation Order – Funbrain
  22. Order of Operations
  23. TED talk on math and computers
  24. TEDEd talks on math
  25. Transum Math
  26. Virtual Manipulatives
  27. Voyage Math–for MS
  28. XPMath–teacher guides, math games for lots of ages; aligned with CC
  29. XtraMath–master basic math facts
  30. Yummy Math–math in the news


  1. Algebra curriculum (pretty thorough but might be dated)



  1. Jasper Woodbury Math Challenge
  2. Manga High
  3. Mathigon
  4. SplashLearn




Lesson Plans

  1. Common Core-aligned
  2. Math bundle for K-8
  3. Mathalicious–teach with real-world situations; lesson plans for older students

Math Apps

Math Facts

  1. Math Duel–duel against a friend while learning math facts (app)
  2. Sushi Monster–math facts from Scholastic (app)

Math Programs


  1. Number concepts
  2. Number Nut Math Games
  3. Number Order

Number Square

  1. Build a number square
  2. Find Owl’s Friends–number square
  3. Happy Numbers

Self-paced programs

  1. Freckle
  2. Khan Academy
  3. Zearn



Word Problems

Activities from Eric Curts

  1.  Blog post – “11 Ways to Teach Math with Google Drawings” – Website link
  2.  Help Guide – “Teaching Math with Google Drawings” – Google Document link
  3.  Training video – “Teaching Math with Google Drawings” – YouTube Video
  4.  Blog post – “Interactive Clock Face with Google Drawings” – Website link
  5.  Interactive Clock Face template – Google Drawing link
  6.  Blog post – “Creating Fractions in Google Slides and Drawings” – Website link
  7.  Blog post – “Pattern Block Templates and Activities with Google Drawings” – Website link

Math–2nd Grade

Math–3rd Grade

Math–4th Grade

Math–5th Grade



28 thoughts on “Math

  1. Thank you for featuring our free website We thought would be a great addition to this helpful list as well. Best of luck with Ask a Tech Teacher!

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