Graduated Programs

updated 12-30-23

  1. All the Right Type–fee, aligned between home and school, all online
  2. Almena Method–online or download–promises fast results
  3. Edutyping
  4. Free Typing Games–and lessons, and tests
  5. Homeschool Keyboard Curriculum–includes student workbook, parent (teacher) manual, and video lessons
  6. K-5 Keyboarding Curriculum–includes teacher manual, student workbooks, and video lessons for students
  7. K-8 Keyboarding Curriculum–includes three-week immersion program (must request it, but it’s free)
  8. KeyBlaze
  9. Keyboarding Online
  10. Keyboarding Without Tears–K-5, full curriculum, fee
  11. Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing
  12. Middle School Keyboarding Curriculum–includes teacher manual, student workbooks, and video lessons for students
  13. QwertyTown–fee-based, well done
  14. Type Kids–graduated program of touch typing
  15. Typetastic
  17. Typing Tournament–with teacher dashboard; includes games; fee
  18. Typing Ace–fee-based program, online or software
  19. Typing Instructor–complete online program (fee)
  20. Typing Master
  21. TypingPal–fee
  22.—a graduated course
  23. Typing Club