Category: Websites
16 St. Patrick’s Day Sites For Students
Getting ready for St. Patrick’s Day? Try these fun websites:
- Color the shamrock
- Color the Pot-o-gold
- Color the leprechaun
- Puzzle–St. Pat’s Puzzle
- Puzzle–St. Pat’s puzzle II
- Puzzle–St. Pat’s drag-and-drop puzzle
- Puzzle–St. Pat’s slide puzzle
- Puzzle–St. Pat’s slide puzzle II
- Puzzle–Leprechaun jigsaw puzzle
- St. Pat’s math
- St. Patrick’s Day history–video
- St. Pat’s Day songs–video
- Tic tac toe
- Webquest for St. Patrick’s Day I
- Webquest II
- Wordsearch
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20 Sites for Authentic Assessments
Here’s a good collection for both summative and formative assessments:
- Class badges
- Grading automatically w G. Docs–Flubaroo
- Hollywood Sq/Jeopardy Templates
- Jeopardy Labs
- No Red Ink–track student learning, create quizzes, CC-based–free sign-up
- Online quizzes that you create, online grades
- PollDaddy
- Puzzle maker
- Quizbean–make and take quizzes online
- Quizdini
- Rubrics I
- Rubrics II
- Rubrics III
- Rubrics/Assessments—create–KSchrock
- Rubrics—for CCSS
- Socrative
- Technology use survey—interactive
- Test creator—online
- Tests—create fill-in-the-blanks
- Padlet
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Read Across America Day
Many people in the United States, particularly students, parents and teachers, join forces on Read Across America Day, annually held on March 2. This nationwide observance coincides with the birthday of Dr Seuss.
Here are some great reading websites for students K-5:
- Aesop Fables—no ads
- Aesop’s Fables
- Audio stories
- Childhood Stories
- Classic Fairy Tales
- Edutainment games and stories
- Fables—Aesop—nicely done
- Fairy Tales and Fables
- Interactive storybook collection
- Listen/read–Free non-fic audio books
- Magic Keys–stories for youngers
- Mighty Book
- Open Library
- PBS Stories–Between the Lions
- RAZ Kids–wide variety of reading levels, age groups, with teacher dashboards
- Signed stories
- Starfall
- Stories read by actors
- Stories to read
- Stories to read for youngsters
- Stories to read from PBS kids
- Stories to read–II
- Stories to read—International Library
- Stories—MeeGenius—read/to me
- Stories—non-text
- Story Scramble
- Story time–visual
- Storytime for me
- Teach your monster to read (free)
- Tumblebooks (fee)
- Ziggity Zoom Stories
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17 Websites to Manage Your Classroom
These are clever approaches to keeping order among avid learners:
- Bouncy Balls–balls bounce based on level of noise in the classroom
- Calmness Counter–how noisy is your classroom? Let students see.
- Class Dojo—class behavior mgmt
- Class Badges
- Doodle—schedule meetings, polls
- Forms—Adobe interactive pdf, collect results
- Google Safe Search Preferences
- If This Then That—manage social networks
- Open Badges
- Password creator
- Plagiarism Tracker
- Random Team Generator
- Sign-up Genius–organize volunteers, presentations, lists of all sorts
- Tagible–organize videos from YT, Vimeo, more
- Teach with IPads
- Too Noisy--another app to show noise level in classroom (app)
- Volunteer Spot–organize with free online sign-up sheets
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14 Websites for 4th Grade Culture
Here’s a list of great 4th grade websites on Culture:
- Classrooms around the world
- Clothes around the world
- Eat—food around the world
- First Thanksgiving
- Google World of Wonders
- One day around the world–video
- 360 Panorama of the world
- Language Mapper—around the globe
- Life in a Day—video (long)
- School lunches around the world
- Sleep—where children sleep around the world
- US Languages
- What we own—around the world
- World National Anthem
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19 Valentine Sites For Your Students
Here are some fun Valentine sites to fill those few minutes betwixt and between lessons, projects, bathroom breaks, lunch, and everything else:
- Dress up the heart
- ‘I love you’ in languages Afrikaans to Zulu
- Line up the hearts
- More heart writing
- Valentine Day games and stories
- Valentine drag-and-drop
- Valentine match
- Valentine mouse skills
- Valentine projects from Winter Wonderland
- Valentine puppy jigsaw
- Valentine rebus game[gallery type="slideshow" ids="44901,44902,44903"]
- Valentine rebuses
- Valentine Sudoku
- Valentine tic-tac-toe
- Valentine typing
- Valentine unscramble
- Valentine’s Day apps
- Write in a heart
Do you have any I missed?
Holiday Lesson Plans
Looking for holiday lesson plans? Here’s my collection.
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66 Writing Tools for the 21st Century Classroom
Here’re a wide variety of writing tools for students. Some practice good habits, others offer options for writing requirements. See what works for you (check here for updated links):
- Character Trading Cards
- Context Clues Millionaire
- Friendly Letter Maker
- Garfield teaches Writing Skills
- Identify the Main Idea
- Letter Generator
- Main Idea Battleship
- Make another story
- Monster Project
- Newspapers, posters, comics—learn to create
- Using a table of contents
- Videos—using Sock Puppets (iPads)
- Writing games
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Playful Learning–What a Great Idea
Playful Learning (Parents’ Choice Gold Medal website) is a well-done, professional-looking website that offers advice, projects, and visual images touting the benefits of education through play. The reader is drawn into the child-centered imagery and strong basic colors, wanting everything on offer so their child’s play areas can look and work as described.
Let’s back up a moment. Play as the vehicle of education is not a revolutionary idea. Pedagogy has long recommended ‘play’ as a superior teacher for youngers–
Play is the great synthesizing, integrating, and developing force in childhood and adolescence. –PsycINFO Database Record 2012 APA,
The play of children is not recreation; it means earnest work. Play is the purest intellectual production of the human being, in this stage … for the whole man is visible in them, in his finest capacities, in his innermost being.~ Friedrich Froebel
In general, research shows strong links between creative play and language, physical, cognitive, and social development. Play is a healthy, essential part of childhood. —Department of Education, Newfoundland Labrador
Young children learn the most important things not by being told but by constructing knowledge for themselves in interaction with the physical world and with other children – and the way they do this is by playing.” –Jones, E., & Reynolds, G. “The play’s the thing: Teachers’ roles in children’s play”
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10 Top Click-throughs from 2014
I include lots of links for my readers to sites that will help them integrate technology into education. They cover websites on lesson plans, math, keyboarding, classroom management, cloud computer, digital books, teacher resources, free tech resources, and more. On any given day, a third of visitors to Ask a Tech Teacher click through to one of these resources. Which links my readers select tells me a lot about the type of information they’re looking for.
Here’s a list of the top ten sites visitors selected from my blog:
-–lots of teachers are finding books/ebooks here for integrating tech into the classroom. This is where I make mine available.
-–a popular site with classroom edutainment
-–last year the top click-through was a website. This year, teachers are looking for apps for iPads.
-–there’s a big uptick in using the internet for research this year over last year
-–still more research. I’m seeing a trend
-–One of my favorite sites to teach K/1 how to type
- DanceMat Typing
- Fact Monster–for research
- Typing Web
- World Almanac for Kids
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21 Holiday Websites For Your Students
Need a few websites to fill in sponge time? Here are Holiday websites that will keep students busy while teaching them:
- 12 Days of Christmas
- Christmas—history—fun video
- Gift Hunt–updated version of 12 Days of Christmas–just as much fun
- Holiday collection
- Holiday Crossword
- Holiday Elf Games
- Holiday hangman
- Holiday Hangman II
- Holiday music
- Holiday music II–sing along with the music–the site provides the words
- Holiday—Design Gingerbread House
- Holiday—find the word
- Holiday—match game
- Holiday—Math Facts
- Holiday—North Pole Academy
- Holidays around the world
- Holidays–various
- NORAD Santa
- Penguin Show
- Reindeer Orchestra
- Santa Tracker