Category: 3rd Grade
#16: A Holiday Memory in Word or KidPix
Use this not only to create a gift for parents, but to practice writing skills, grammar, MS Word’s spell check. I have student compose the memory one week and we format it the next. For beginning writers, use KidPix and its text tools. (more…)
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#15: A Holiday Letter for Grades 2-6
This holiday letter can be as simple (for 2nd graders) or sophisticated (middle school) as your students can handle. There are a gamut of skills–
- text
- borders
- pictures (from the internet, from clip art, from a separate file folder on your school server)
- different fonts, font colors, font sizes
I’ve included a grading rubric to guide students in accomplishing as much as they can. Start with the basics (text, a border, some pictures) and add more skills as students get used to the early ones: (more…)
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#87: Use MS Word’s Diagrams to Teach Animal Characteristics
Use MS Word to organize an animal group (reptiles, mammals, amphibians, etc.) and their traits. This project is a favorite with my students, mostly because of the stunning animal picture they get to embed into the background. (more…)
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#21: A Holiday Card in Publisher
Publisher cards are easy enough for second graders–even early readers. Pick a template, add a picture to personalize, add their name–and they’re done. It takes about 15 minutes. Kids always feel great about creating these greeting cards: (more…)
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Weekend Website #10: Google Mars
Drop by every weekend to discover what wonderful website my classes and parents loved this week. I think you’ll find they’ll be a favorite of yours as they are of mine. (more…)
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How to Use MS Word to Teach Geography

Grade Level: 3-5
Background: Using MS Word.
Vocabulary: diagram, graphic organizer, solar system
Time: About 30 minutes
- Open MS Word. Add a heading to the top.
- Add a title–Where We Are–centered, bold and font 14. Use this to point out the tool bar with the four alignment tools, bold, fonts and font size (more…)
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#17: A Holiday Story in MS Word for Grades 2-7
Reinforce fiction writing–characters, plot, setting, climax–with a short story in MS Word. Then use color, borders, pictures to enhance the words. (more…)
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How to Teach Kids Email
Online communication include faxes, instant messages, blogs, and email. Of the four, email is the most popular—so popular, it has transformed the way the world communicates. According to the Radicati Group, in 2008, 1.3 billion people had email accounts and sent 210 billion messages daily.
Why so popular? First, email is paperless, appealing to our global need to conserve resources. On a more basic level, email is a faster alternative to most other forms of communication by combining the telephone’s speed and efficiency with a user’s need to transfer files and documents. Email has no time or place barriers. You can write and respond (with an amazing level of anonymity) whenever you choose – day or night with multiple contacts, keeping many people in the loop with the click of a few keys. And, email is stored and retrieved quickly at almost no cost. (more…)
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#70: How to Keep a Timecard in Excel
This project hides Excel’s power behind a template you create and students fill out at home. If they’re older and more familiar with Excel, involve them in creating the template. (more…)