
Updated 5-26-24

Be sure to click the heading links for more websites


  1. Buncee–drag and drop multimedia onto a canvas to tell a story or presentation
  2. ChatGPT–AI-generated writing
  3. ChatGPT–has developed their own tool to find AI-generated writing
  4. Context Clues Millionaire
  5. Co:Writer–type a few words and the program predicts what comes next
  6. CoWriter–if you can think it, you can write it–browser extension
  7. Create Reading Excitement with Book Trailers
  8. Formatically — automatically formats docs for MLA and adds citations
  9. Groovelit
  10. Main Idea Battleship
  11. Newspapers, posters, comics—learn to create
  12. TED videos that teach writing
  13. Using a table of contents
  14. Vocab, prefix/suffix, word lists and more
  15. Write your own adventure story–a little like Madlibs but not crazy
  16. Writing Classroom–writing strategies for instructional tech in ed



Citation Tools

  1. BibMe
  2. Citation Generator
  3. Citation Machine
  4. EasyBib
  5. WriteCite


Drawing resources from Eric Curts

  1.  Blog Post – “Wintertime Magnetic Poetry with Google Drawings” – Website link
  2.  Wintertime Magnetic Poetry Template – Google Drawing link
  3.  Blog Post – “Valentine’s Magnetic Poetry with Google Drawings” – Website link
  4.  Valentine’s Magnetic Poetry Template – Google Drawing link
  5.  Compose a Tweet Template – Google Drawing link
  6.  Blog Post – “3 Tools for Making Memes in School” – Website link
  7.  Blog Post – “Create Your Own Story Cubes with Google Drawings” – Website link

Greeting Cards


  1. Penzu

Lesson Plans

Letter Writing

  1. Friendly Letter Maker


  1. Adobe Spark–a suite of tools for publishing; see newsletter directions here
  2. Newspaper template–in PowerPoint


  1. Newspaper template–in PowerPoint



  1. The Google Docs app
  2. MS Word app
  3. OmniOutliner –for iPads and online
  4. OneNote
  5. Workflowy – an online list maker that is shared and collaborative

PDF Editors and Annotators


Publish Writing


Social Media

  1. Fake headline
  2. Fakebook–fake FB
  3. IFakeText–fake SMS text




  1. Adobe Spark Video–digital stories that
  2. My Storybook Maker–6-8 year olds with great drawing tools, stamps, voice recording, text and sharing capabilities
  3. Sway–storytelling any type of event including text, images, and more. Part of MS Office


  1. Futaba–fantastic multiplayer game AND a fun way to help children learn new words

Word Processing Programs

  1. Games
  2. WPS–full productivity suite, free, for computers, iOS


  1. Canva Text to Image–write words and Canva changes them to images
  2. Google Docs–free app that provides limited access to Google Docs functions
  3. MS Word iPad app–free; create new docs and/or edit one downloaded from online storage
  4. Read&Write–for Google Chrome, students write their own content and save as PDFs, share, add more than text
  5. Write About This–writing prompts for students

Writing Programs

  1. 6 Traits
  2. Writer’s Workshop
  3. Writing City

Write an ebook

  1. BookCreator 5

Writing Review Sites

Writing by AI (identify it)

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