Updated 6-4-24
- Adobe Spark–add pictures, text, more. For digital storytelling
- Adobe Voice–add images, text, music, voice to each slide; turn it into a movie; collaborative
- Buncee
- Canva–select ‘Presentations’
- ClassPoint–add on for PowerPoint to expand its use in the classroom
- Google Slides–free with limited access to web-based Google Slides functions
- Haiku Deck—visual communication, slideshows
- MS PowerPoint–free app that aligns with PowerPoint software; no Office 365 subscription required to edit
- Peardeck–students can view slidedeck and join the presentation
- PowerPoint–How-to video to record your comments on a slide
- Slidesmania–slideshow templates in PowerPoint and Google Slides
- Spark video — works on Chromebooks and iOS; add personal narrative, images. Use a story template or start from scratch; creates as slides
- SpeakerDeck–upload as PDF; company morphs to slideshow that can be embedded or viewed online
For Youngers
Slideshow Games
- In PowerPoint
- Jeopardy games in PowerPoint
- Slidesmania–templates for games and more
- template from Eric Curts
- Create a Family Feud classroom games from this template.
Slideshow Timers
- A list of free ones you can create