Updated 12-30-23
Click the heading for more Math links
- Adventures of Jasper Woodbury–fee-based but great reputation for teaching math in a game environment
- Algebra curriculum (pretty thorough but might be dated)
- Books–free, online; mostly high-level math
- Calculus Concepts–from Bartleby
- Desmos–excellent math app for high school
- EquatIO (Texthelp)
- GeoBoard–an app; explore geometric shapes
- GeoGebra (an app)
- Geometry curriculum (pretty thorough but might be dated)
- Get the Math–algebra in the real world
- Interactivate — games for HS math that can be used as assessments
- The Magic of Fibonacci Numbers–with the Mathemagician
- Math by Design--design with math
- MathDrBob–videos on HS math subjects
- Mathemagician–inspiration video for all kids, any age
- Math in the Real World
- Math is Fun
- Math Open Reference –defining terms and more
- Math explainer videos (including calculus)
- Math problems to solve
- PhotoMath–(app) take a picture of a math problem ; scan; the site solves it and explains how
- Physics Catalyst
- WOWMath.org–math explainer videos