Math (HS)

online math

Updated 12-30-23

Click the heading for more Math links


  1. Adventures of Jasper Woodbury–fee-based but great reputation for teaching math in a game environment
  2. Algebra curriculum (pretty thorough but might be dated)
  3. Books–free, online; mostly high-level math
  4. Calculus Concepts–from Bartleby
  5. Desmos–excellent math app for high school
  6. EquatIO (Texthelp)
  7. GeoBoard–an app; explore geometric shapes
  8. GeoGebra (an app)
  9. Geometry curriculum (pretty thorough but might be dated)
  10. Get the Math–algebra in the real world
  11. Interactivate — games for HS math that can be used as assessments
  12. The Magic of Fibonacci Numbers–with the Mathemagician
  13. Math by Design--design with math
  14. MathDrBob–videos on HS math subjects
  15. Mathemagician–inspiration video for all kids, any age
  16. Math in the Real World
  17. Math is Fun
  18. Math Open Reference –defining terms and more
  19. Math explainer videos (including calculus)
  20. Math problems to solve
  21. PhotoMath–(app) take a picture of a math problem ; scan; the site solves it and explains how
  22. Physics Catalyst
  23.–math explainer videos