Updated 6-2-24
- Adobe Creative Cloud Express–digital stories that blend images and audio into a video
- Adobe Voice–Show your story; free
- Bluster–word matching game develops vocabulary and word understanding for school-aged children (app)
- Book Creator
- Book Writer--write books on an iPad; view in iBooks (fee) (app)
- Comic Book!(app)
- Create a story
- Draw a Stickman–draw the main character of your story; the site turns it into a choose-your-own-adventure story, asking you to add detail. (app)
- Newspapers, posters, comics—learn to create
- Pixton–use their storytelling layout (picture at top, text at bottom)
- Puppet Pals – Create simple animated stories with puppets and even yourself!
- Shutterfly Photostory–self-published student books (app)
- StoryBird—-storytelling with art–beautiful
- Storyboard That–use their storytelling layout (picture at top, text at bottom)
- StoryJumper–build a book
- Sutori–use a variety of multimedia; fee/free accounts
- VoiceThread (app)
- Write About This–writing prompts for students (app)
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