Category: Subscriber special

Subscriber Special: free-lesson-plan

January 4th-9th

the 56-page PDF, “25 Digital Tools for the Classroom”

for free!

“25 Digital Tools for the Classroom” is a thorough discussion on which are the most useful tools in a K-8 classroom, organized by grade level. This includes popular digital tools such as blogs, backchannel devices, vocabulary decoding tools, avatars, digital portfolios, digital note-taking, as well as others you may not have thought of. Here’s what you do:

  • Sign up for our newsletter, Weekly Websites, Tech Tips, and Tech Ed News. If you already subscribe, qualify by purchasing one of our resources on the Structured Learning website. Any product, any price qualifies.
  • Email us the welcome message or receipt you receive (we’re at askatechteacher at gmail dot com). Make the subject line read, “Please send free ’25 Digital Tools for the Classroom'”.
  • We’ll send you the collection.
  • If the newsletter doesn’t work for you, there’s an ‘unsubscribe’ at the bottom of each email.


special sale

Subscriber Special: Free K-8 Hour of Code Lesson Plans

Every month, subscribers to our newsletter get a free/discounted resource to help their tech teaching.

November 4-8th

Buy the K-8 curriculum; get the 55-page Hour of Code bundle for free

Perfect if you’re doing Hour of Code in December. Email us at askatechteacher at gmail dot com with your receipt. We’ll verify and then send you the bundle.

What’s in the Hour of Code bundle?

hour of code30 K-8 coding activities, organized by grade

138 images

aligned with ISTE and Common Core

lots of options to differentiate for student needs

Questions? Ask Jacqui Murray at askatechteacher at gmail dot com.

Copyright ©2022 – All rights reserved.

Jacqui Murray has been teaching K-18 technology for 30 years. She is the editor/author of over a hundred tech ed resources including a K-12 technology curriculum, K-8 keyboard curriculum, K-8 Digital Citizenship curriculum. She is an adjunct professor in tech ed, Master Teacher, webmaster for four blogs, an Amazon Vine Voice, CSTA presentation reviewer, freelance journalist on tech ed topics, and author of the tech thrillers, To Hunt a Sub and Twenty-four Days. You can find her resources at Structured Learning.

Subscriber Special: Free Amazon Gift Card

Every month, subscribers to our newsletter get a free/discounted resource to help their tech teaching.

September 2nd-3rd:

Subscribe to the Ask a Tech Teacher newsletter through Rafflecopter. Each new subscriber is entered in a contest to win a $10 Amazon card

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Jacqui Murray is the author of the popular prehistoric fiction saga, Man vs. Nature which explores seminal events in man’s evolution one trilogy at a time. She is also the author of the Rowe-Delamagente thrillers and Building a Midshipman, the story of her daughter’s journey from high school to United States Naval Academy. Her non-fiction includes over a hundred books on integrating tech into education, reviews as an Amazon Vine Voice,  a columnist for NEA Today, and a freelance journalist on tech ed topics. Look for her next prehistoric fiction, Natural Selection Fall 2022.

Subscriber Special: Great Deal on Coaching

Every month, subscribers to our newsletter get a free/discounted resource to help their tech teaching.

August 2-7th:

Coaching or Mentoring

BOGO — Buy one month; get the second free

Do any of these sound like you?

  • Your kindergartners don’t know what ‘enter’, ‘spacebar’, ‘click’ or many other techie words mean but you need to teach them to keyboard, internet, and become digital citizens. How do you start?
  • You have new students in your class who haven’t had technology training. The rest of the class has. How do you catch them up?
  • Your principal wants you to teach the technology class but you’ve never done it before. What do you do on the first day?
  • You’ve been teaching for twenty years but now your Principal wants technology integrated into your class. Where do you start?
  • You have a wide mix of tech skills among students in your class. How do you differentiate between student geeks and students who wonder what the right mouse button is for?
  • You’ve been tasked with organizing a Technology Use Plan for your school. Where do you start?
  • You and colleagues are expected to create a Curriculum Map. How does technology fit into that?
  • You love being an edtech professional but what’s your career path?

More and more teachers–both new and experienced–are looking for coaching or mentoring to fill gaps in their learning, keep up to date on the latest teaching strategies, and solve problems they didn’t expect. Many turn to the personalized approach we offer in a collaboration between Ask a Tech Teacher, Jacqui Murray, and Structured Learning. Coaching is completed via Google Hangout with email available for quick questions. After only a short time, teachers find they are better prepared with tech-infused lesson plans, able to teach to standards more fluently, can integrate tech into core classroom time, easily differentiate for student needs with tech, and more.

“Twice a month, pick my brain. I’ll share what I’ve learned and what works from 25 years of teaching.” –Jacqui Murray

Normally, we charge a $150 per month with a two month minimum (for a total of $300). This month, August 2-7th, get both months of coaching or mentoring for only $150.

Click our PayPal Me here. Add $300.00 to the line.

Because it’s PayPal, you can enter as a guest with any credit card–no PayPal account required.

We wrote the books. We’ll help you deliver on keyboarding, integrating tech into your curriculum, digital citizenship, Common Core, and more. Questions? Ask Jacqui Murray at askatechteacher at gmail dot com.


special sale

Subscriber Special: 50% Sidebar Sponsors

Every month, subscribers to our newsletter get a free/discounted resource to help their tech teaching. Here’s July’s:

July 2-9th

50% discount on sidebar sponsors (instead of $100 per month, you get the same program for $50 a month)

Required: Minimum of 4 months paid in advance

We place your logo and link in the blog sidebar. Additionally, once a month, I’ll share an optional update on your product with my readers (which you write).

Contact askatechteacher @ gmail . com for more details.


Subscriber Special: Special Add-on with School License

June 4th-6th:

Buy a K-8 School License

get 3 free print books of the grade level you purchased

(Please note: new orders only; domestic purchase or freight-forwarders only)

Usually, you get one desk copy for each grade level included in your school license. Between June 4th-8th get three per grade level. That’s enough for a team to each have one.

To take advantage of this special, purchase from Structured Learning with PayPal or a PO. Email us (admin at structuredlearning dot net) with your proof of purchase. We’ll send the extra books.

What is a school license?

A School License is a multi-user PDF of most books (or videos where available) we offer–textbooks, curricula, lesson plans, student workbooks, and more–that can be used on every digital device in your school–iPads, Macs, PCs, Chromebooks, laptops, netbooks, smartphones, iPods. All of them, no matter whether they’re in a classroom, the library, one of the tech labs. As many as the school wants. It is perfect for private schools, independent schools, charter schools, public schools–any school with multiple computer labs, classroom computer pods, 1:1 programs.

Benefits of a School License

  • provide an overarching curriculum map for using technology in your school
  • provide access to full text PDF (or videos where relevant) from every digital device in your school, 24 hours a day. This maximizes productivity and student independence.
  • enable flexible learning paths as students work at their own pace, with the ability to review or work ahead as needed
  • share tech-in-ed pedagogy to infuse your school with technology 
  • enable teachers to dig deeper into relevant topics, vertically integrate with core grade-level teachers
  • provide multiple authentic and organic formative and summative assessments
  • provide free online Help via Ask a Tech Teacher (staffed by educators who use SL resources). 

Benefits of School License for Students

  • provide easy access to monthly lessons, how-tos, rubrics, project samples, practice quizzes, grade-level expectations, homework, images, and checklists (grade level Scope and Sequence and the Ready to Move On monthly keyboard workbooks lists, for example)
  • provide full color instructions that can be zoomed in on for greater detail
  • allow a convenient place to take lesson notes (using a PDF annotator like iAnnotate)
  • encourage students to be independent in their learning, work at their own pace rather than a one-size-fits-all class pace. This is great both for students who need more time and those who ‘get it’ and want to move on
  • enable a quick way to spiral up for quick learners or back to earlier resources for student needing to scaffold their learning
  • prepare students for the rigor of end-of-year summative testing


Subscriber Special: 10% Discount

Every month, subscribers to our newsletter get a free/discounted resource to help their tech teaching.


Sign up for our newsletter. Then get 10% off your next purchase!

Email Format

Structured Learning will use the information you provide on this form to be in touch with you and to provide updates and marketing. Please let us know all the ways you would like to hear from us:

You can change your mind at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link in the footer of any email you receive from us, or by contacting us at [email protected]. We will treat your information with respect. For more information about our privacy practices please visit our website. By clicking below, you agree that we may process your information in accordance with these terms.

Questions? Email [email protected]

Jacqui Murray has been teaching K-18 technology for 30 years. She is the editor/author of over a hundred tech ed resources including a K-12 technology curriculum, K-8 keyboard curriculum, K-8 Digital Citizenship curriculum. She is an adjunct professor in tech ed, Master Teacher, webmaster for four blogs, an Amazon Vine Voice, CSTA presentation reviewer, freelance journalist on tech ed topics, and author of the tech thrillers, To Hunt a Sub and Twenty-four Days. You can find her resources at Structured Learning.