Category: Students

How to Choose the Right Online Tutor for Your Child

With the increased popularity of online tutors, the Ask a Tech Teacher team has come up with some guidelines to help you select the right one for your child:

How to Choose the Right Online Tutor for Your Child

As many as a third of kids are given a leg up in their learning efforts by professional tutors, so there’s a high chance you’re considering this option for your child. Whether they are having trouble getting to grips with core concepts, or they need a little extra assistance with exam prep, there are all sorts of reasons to take this route.

What matters most in this context is picking a tutor who’s a suitable fit for the unique requirements of your youngster. With that in mind, here are some factors to weigh up as your search for an online tutor gets underway in earnest. (more…)

Incorporating Monthly Giving Projects into STEM Curriculum: Inspiring the Next Generation of Philanthropists

Adding monthly giving projects to STEM classes helps students learn important skills like problem-solving and teamwork while also teaching them to care about their communities. For example, my class once built a website to raise funds for a local animal shelter, which taught us web development and the value of helping others. Sound interesting? The Ask a Tech Teacher team has ideas on how to incorporate giving into your STEM curriculum:

Incorporating Monthly Giving Projects into STEM Curriculum: Inspiring the Next Generation of Philanthropists

STEM equips students with critical thinking, problem-solving, and innovative skills vital for their future careers. But what if we could also use STEM to inspire the next generation of philanthropists?

Incorporating philanthropy into education is a noble endeavor. Some may even argue that it’s a necessary one. 

As educators and society recognize the importance of nurturing well-rounded individuals, monthly giving projects are gaining traction within STEM curriculums. These initiatives enrich the educational experience and inspire students to become lifelong contributors to their communities. Let’s get into it. (more…)

How to Help Students Run a Genius Bar

From the Ask a Tech Teacher team: ideas on a student-run genius bar:

How to Help Students Run a Genius Bar

Modeled after Apple’s popular tech support stations, a Genius Bar in a school setting is a student-run help desk where peers provide tech support, advice on digital tools, and assistance with various tech-related issues. Teachers play a crucial role in guiding students to run this service effectively, ensuring it becomes a valuable resource for the entire school community.

By providing the necessary support and structure, teachers can help students develop leadership, teamwork, and problem-solving skills through the Genius Bar. (more…)

10 Tips of Mastering Time Management as a Student

Effective time management will not only lead to success in achieving your goals, but also help you maintain your mental well-being. So, let’s learn more about it from the Ask a Tech Teacher team. Some of these tips you may already know, but others–never a bad time to save time. 

10 Tips of Mastering Time Management as a Student


Finding a proper balance between extracurricular activities, academics, social life, and personal interests can feel overwhelming.

And as human beings, most of us always want to make space for our loved ones too. However, unfortunately, we usually can’t achieve this because of not having enough time or not organizing our schedules properly. This is why effective time management is crucial for students.

It will not only lead to success and happiness in achieving your goals, but also help you maintain your mental well-being. So, let’s learn more about it. (more…)

12 Innovative Digital Tools to Engage High School Students

High School students will soon move into college and career where digital tools are de rigeur. Knowing the most innovative is a great first step. Here are twelve recommended by the Ask a Tech Teacher team:

12 Innovative Digital Tools to Engage High School Students

In the ever-evolving landscape of education, keeping students engaged can be a challenge. Thankfully, technological advancements have led to the development of digital tools designed specifically to captivate high school student’s attention and enhance their learning experiences. 

From virtual reality field trips to interactive quizzing platforms, these 12 tools offer diverse ways to bring lessons to life. 

Let’s explore how each tool can transform the classroom environment and spark a love for learning in every student. (more…)

AI and Writing Essays: Pros and Cons, How Will Students Learn to Write if an AI Writes It for Them?

Explore the benefits and drawbacks of AI in essay writing, including its impact on student learning. Unveil the evolving future of writing education with AI through these suggestions from the Ask a Tech Teacher team.

AI and Writing Essays: Pros and Cons, How Will Students Learn to Write if an AI Writes It for Them?

In the fast-changing digital world, integrating AI into education is both a breakthrough and a problem. AI’s influence in essay writing is growing, highlighting both advantages and significant issues. AI algorithms use massive datasets and natural language processing to produce content that replicates student writing styles as teaching tools. This technology will transform education by personalizing learning and meeting various student demands. (more…)

How Low-Carb Diets Fuel High-Achieving Students

How Low-Carb Diets Fuel High-Achieving Students

Have you ever considered that your diet could be the secret weapon in your quest for academic success? It’s not just about fueling late-night study sessions or grabbing a quick bite between classes. What if the foods you choose could directly enhance focus and memory retention? 

Low-carb diets are more than just a trend; they’re transforming high-achievers into unstoppable forces in classrooms and beyond. From stabilizing mood to managing weight effectively, let’s delve into how cutting down on carbs can ignite your educational journey.

5 Ways Low-Carb Diets Fuel High-Achieving Students

Unlock the academic prowess within you by exploring how a low-carb diet could energize your studies. 

Here are five transformative benefits to consider for brain power and beyond.

1. Enhanced Focus and Energy

Maintaining razor-sharp focus and boundless energy has always been the secret sauce for high-achieving students. It’s no surprise that what you eat plays a pivotal role in the academic equation. 

A low-carb diet, rich in fats and proteins, stands out as a powerhouse for cognitive performance. They can also increase your energy, but most studies focus on short term effects. 

But why does this matter for someone hitting the books? Let’s break it down:

  • Stamina During Exams: A stable release of glucose provides prolonged energy.
  • Consistent Performance: With fewer blood sugar spikes, you won’t crash.
  • Reaction Times: Quicker mental responses can help to understand complex ideas.

Opting for meals that sustain rather than drain elevates your learning potential and sets a cornerstone for overall well being amidst the academic pressures. (more…)

The psychology of motivation: Strategies for engaging students

The psychology of motivation: Strategies for engaging students

Motivation plays a role not only in people’s choice to get involved in their goals but also in their behavior, persistence, and, ultimately, success. It is imperative for educators to be aware of the essence of motivation in education in order to create a stimulating environment where students can learn and develop. Through understanding motivation, educators will discover various sophisticated techniques to attract attention and instill a love for learning among students for life.

What does motivation entail?

Motivation is a phenomenon built on the idea of the action of inside and outside factors that together influence an individual to act in the achievement of his/her aims. Experts in psychology have comprehensively analyzed motivation. As a result, they have presented different theories and components which shape the way humans behave. A learner can be driven by two major types of motivation, the extrinsic and intrinsic types, each with its unique characteristics and ramifications on the learning process. (more…)