Updated 6-2-24

I realize I have no place to store ESL links that I find. Therefore, I’m beginning this page. I’d sure appreciate your help to populate it:

  1. L2 Digital Storytelling
  2. MCC ESL Digital Stories
  3. Web English Teacher – Digital Storytelling


  1. English Tools--digital tools to assist learning English as a second language
  2. Resource Guide for ESL
  3. SuperProf–private ESL online tutoring
  4. The TEFL Academy–course provider for those looking to teach English as a second language!

I’m going to include other languages here, too, until I figure out a better way to curate them:


  1. Khan Academy–in Spanish
  2. Spanish Help–Dictionary and more



2 thoughts on “ESL/ELL

  1. has a Spanish version that is currently in the works: Promotes levelled reading of news articles for kids in the ages 8-16

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