Weekend Website #110: 89 Resources for Teachers

I know summer just started. You’re relaxing, reading the stack of books that collected on your nightstand, planting the flowers you were supposed to take care of in April, but, well, teaching came first.

Bookmark this page and when you’re ready to look at some teacherly resources, come back. I’ve collected 89 great resources to make your job easier–everything from grading rubrics, online quizzes, audio books, utilities, to puzzle creators and more.

  1. 10 Tech Alternatives to Book Reports
  2. Academic websites
  3. Analyze, read, write literature
  4. Animations, assessments, charts, more
  5. Animations, assessments, more
  6. Audio books—free—Project Gutenberg
  7. Audio books—Ms. Noor–free—kid-oriented
  8. Biomes/Habitats—for teachers
  9. By Kids For Kids
  10. Children’s University
  11. Classroom floorplan—for architect unit
  12. Collection of websites
  13. Create a magazine cover
  14. Create free activities and diagrams in a Flash!
  15. Create free activities. No signup
  16. Crossword Puzzle Maker
  17. Dabbleboard—online whiteboard
  18. Easy Techie Stuff for the Classroom
  19. Easy Web 2.0 tools
  20. Easy-to-navigate collection
  21. Eleven Little-known Facts
  22. Environmental footprint
  23. FBI Kid-safe games
  24. Flashcards or Worksheets
  25. Free online tools (Web 2.0)
  26. Geography Activities—for teachers
  27. Glogster—posters
  28. Google Earth in Math Curriculum
  29. Google Earth Lesson Plans I
  30. Google Earth Lesson Plans II
  31. Google Education—lesson plans, more
  32. Google Safe Search Preferences
  33. Grading automatically w G. Docs–Flubaroo
  34. Hollywood Sq/Jeopardy Templates
  35. How to Videos for Web 2.0
  36. http://www.nsteens.org/
  37. Internet Movie Database
  38. Jeopardy Games in PowerPoint
  39. Jeopardy Labs
  40. K-8 school-related videos. Tons of them
  41. Learn Zillion—teaching videos
  42. Lots of Links for all grade levels
  43. Make digital posters
  44. Mapping ideas with tag clouds
  45. Math/LA Videos by grade level
  46. Mind mapping with Bubblus
  47. Miscellaneous links
  48. Newspapers around the world
  49. Online quizzes you create, online grades
  50. Online Safety Topics
  51. Online tools (Web 2.0)—all free
  52. Page Screenshot–take a screenshot of an entire webpage–even below the fold–with this tool
  53. Password creator
  54. Poetry sites—lots of them
  55. Posters—8×10 at a time–simple
  56. PowerPoint games for kids
  57. PowerPoint stuff
  58. PowerPoint Templates
  59. Print Large Posters in 8×10 bits
  60. Print Posters One Page at a Time
  61. Publish the magazines
  62. Pupil Tube
  63. Puzzle maker
  64. QR Codes
  65. Rubrics I
  66. Rubrics II
  67. Rubrics III
  68. Shelfari—share books with students
  69. Slideshare—upload PowerPoint; share
  70. Slideshow upload with Authorstream
  71. Slideshows created on line
  72. So many Free online tools (Web 2.0)
  73. Tag clouds
  74. Teach vocab–prefixes/suffixes, word lists, more
  75. Teacher Training Videos
  76. Teaching Channel
  77. Teaching vocab, prefixes/suffixes, more
  78. Test creator—online
  79. Tests—create fill-in-the-blanks
  80. Timelines
  81. Timelines II
  82. Tools for studying writing
  83. Training videos
  84. Turn pictures into Videos–Easily
  85. Turn short stories into books
  86. Tutors–in NYC
  87. Vocab, prefix/suffix, word lists and more
  88. White Board—no sign in, no reg
  89. YouTube Education

What did I miss? What makes your job easier hat I should be using? Please share!

Jacqui Murray has been teaching K-18 technology for 30 years. She is the editor/author of over a hundred tech ed resources including a K-12 technology curriculum, K-8 keyboard curriculum, K-8 Digital Citizenship curriculum. She is an adjunct professor in tech ed, Master Teacher, webmaster for four blogs, an Amazon Vine Voice, CSTA presentation reviewer, freelance journalist on tech ed topics, contributor to NEA Today, and author of the tech thrillers, To Hunt a Sub and Twenty-four Days. You can find her resources at Structured Learning.

Author: Jacqui
Welcome to my virtual classroom. I've been a tech teacher for 15 years, but modern technology offers more to get my ideas across to students than at any time in my career. Drop in to my class wikis, classroom blog, our internet start pages. I'll answer your questions about how to teach tech, what to teach when, where the best virtual sites are. Need more--let's chat about issues of importance in tech ed. Want to see what I'm doing today? Click the gravatar and select the grade.