169 Kindergarten Websites That Tie into Classroom Inquiry

kindergarten websitesThese are my 120 favorite kindergarten websites. I sprinkle them in throughout the year, adding several each week to the class internet start page, deleting others. I make sure I have 3-4 each week that integrate with classroom inquiry, 3-4 that deal with technology skills and a few that simply excite students about tech.

Here’s the list (check here for updated links):

  1. Aesop Fables
  2. Aesop Fables—no ads
  3. Alphabet Animals
  4. Alphabet Doors
  5. Animal Games
  6. Animal Games II
  7. Animal Homes II
  8. Audio stories
  9. Barnaby and Bellinda Bear
  10. Build a car
  11. Build a car–abcya
  12. Build a Neighborhood
  13. Car puzzle
  14. Clock games–many
  15. Clocks
  16. Clocks—set the time–BBC
  17. Color US Symbols
  18. Counting Money
  19. Create Music
  20. Dino collection
  21. Dino Fossils then and now
  22. Dino Games
  23. Dino Games II
  24. Dinosaurs
  25. Dinosaurs II
  26. Dinosaurs IV
  27. Dinosaurs V
  28. Dinosaurs VI
  29. Dr. Seuss
  30. Edugames at Pauly’s Playhouse
  31. Edugames—drag-and-drop puzzles
  32. Endangered species collection
  33. Fables–beautiful
  34. Find a dog
  35. Game Goo—wacky games that teach
  36. Games to teach mouse skills, problem-solving
  37. Games to teach problem-solving skills
  38. Geogreeting—find letters around the world
  39. Great Websites—can’t get thru all of them
  40. Groundhog Day
  41. Holiday Elf Games
  42. Holiday music
  43. Holiday—Design Gingerbread House
  44. Holiday—match game
  45. Holiday—North Pole Academy
  46. Holidays–various
  47. Interactive sites
  48. Kerpoof
  49. Keyboarding—Hyper Spider Typing
  50. Kindergarten Links—Science, etc.
  51. KinderSite—lots of kindergarten websites
  52. Learn to Read
  53. Learn to read—Teach your monster to read
  54. Letters—find the letter
  55. Letters—find the letter—caps and lower case
  56. Letters—sort by sounds
  57. Literacy sites
  58. Magic Keys–stories for youngers
  59. Make a Face
  60. Make a Monster
  61. Make a Scary Spud
  62. Make a Story
  63. Math for K
  64. Math Games
  65. Math/LA Videos by grade level
  66. Mighty book storybooks
  67. Mr. Picasso Head
  68. Museum of Modern Art
  69. Music—Quincy and the Magic Instruments
  70. Ocean Currents—video from NASA
  71. Ocean Safari
  72. Ocean Tracks
  73. PBS Stories–Between the Lions
  74. Puzzle
  75. Reading games
  76. Recycle—Michael Michael Go Recycle
  77. Shapes and colors
  78. Sid the Scientist
  79. Signed stories
  80. Spring Garden—click for flowers
  81. Starfall
  82. Stories–Animated
  83. Stories—CircleTime—international
  84. Stories—MeeGenius—read/to me
  85. Stories—non-text
  86. The Learning Planet
  87. Time
  88. Time clocks
  89. Transportation alphabet
  90. Transportation games
  91. Transportation matching
  92. Transportation Sequence Games
  93. Transportation video–BrainPopJr
  94. Turkey websites
  95. Valentine Sudoku
  96. Valentine mouse skills
  97. Line up the hearts
  98. Dress up the heart
  99. Valentine unscramble
  100. Valentine typing
  101. Valentine puppy jigsaw
  102. Valentine drag-and-drop
  103. Valentine match
  104. Valentine tic-tac-toe
  105. Valentine projects from Winter Wonderland
  106. Write in a heart
  107. More heart writing
  108. ‘I love you’ in languages Afrikaans to Zulu
  109. Valentine’s Day apps
  110. Valentine Day games and stories
  111. Valentine coloring book
  112. Valentine Day poem generator
  113. Valentine rebuses
  114. Valentine rebus game
  115. Virtual Farm
  116. Virtual Zoo
  117. Word games—k-2
  118. Writing games
  119. Ziggity Zoom Stories


  1. Audio books—Ms. Noor–free
  2. Bees and Honey
  3. Clicky’s Web(safe) World
  4. Clicky’s Web(safe) World II
  5. Computer basics
  6. Computer Basics II
  7. Computer puzzle
  8. Computer safety
  9. Cyber-bullying video
  10. Day in a digital citizen’s life
  11. Disney CyberNetiquette Comix
  12. Drag and drop games–visual
  13. Drag and drop puzzles
  14. Drag and drop skills
  15. Find the Technology
  16. Garfield internet safety
  17. Internet—what is it–video
  18. Internet safety games
  19. Internet Safety Site –Disney
  20. Internet Smart Princess
  21. Jigsaw puzzles
  22. Jigzone–puzzles
  23. Keyboard Climber
  24. Keyboard Use Video
  25. Listen/read–Free non-fic audio books
  26. Monitor Use Video
  27. More Mouse Skills
  28. Mouse and tech basics–video
  29. Mouse Click Skills—gorgeous
  30. Mouse exercises–for olders too
  31. Mouse practice
  32. Mouse practice—drag, click
  33. Mouse Song
  34. Mouse Use Video
  35. Mouse—Tidy the Classroom
  36. Mouse—Wack a Gopher
  37. Mousing around
  38. My Online Neighborhood–video
  39. NetSmartKids–read-to-you–net safety
  40. Odiogo—read blog posts to students
  41. Organize technology (drag and drop)
  42. Parts of the computer
  43. Parts of the computer—BrainPopJr
  44. Princess who knew how to UYN–video
  45. Surf Swell Island
  46. Tech Training—basics
  47. Tidy the classroom
  48. Videos on Computer Basics K-6
  49. Webville Outlaws–internet safety

Do you have any to add?

Jacqui Murray has been teaching K-18 technology for 30 years. She is the editor/author of over a hundred tech ed resources including a K-12 technology curriculum, K-8 keyboard curriculum, K-8 Digital Citizenship curriculum. She is an adjunct professor in tech ed, Master Teacher, webmaster for four blogs, an Amazon Vine Voice, CSTA presentation reviewer, freelance journalist on tech ed topics, contributor to NEA Today, and author of the tech thrillers, To Hunt a Sub and Twenty-four Days. You can find her resources at Structured Learning.

Author: Jacqui
Jacqui Murray has been teaching K-18 technology for 30 years. She is the editor/author of over a hundred tech ed resources including a K-12 technology curriculum, K-8 keyboard curriculum, K-8 Digital Citizenship curriculum. She is an adjunct professor in tech ed, Master Teacher, webmaster for four blogs, an Amazon Vine Voice, CSTA presentation reviewer, freelance journalist on tech ed topics, contributor to NEA Today, and author of the tech thrillers, To Hunt a Sub and Twenty-four Days. You can find her resources at Structured Learning.

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